What's Up Wednesday

Scary Movies & A Healthy Treat


Happy Mid-Week Everyone!

Craig left for Texas this morning, but we have a special weekend away planned, and I just can’t wait!! #2DaysUntilFriday

Last night, we went to the movies and saw The Boy.


I love a good scary movie every now and then, and this one definitely had a twist at the end I didn’t see coming. Poor Craig’s hand is probably numb today from my squeezing it so tightly at the theatre last night! If you’re looking for a jolt, this is your movie.

We took this picture last night at the movies…I’m not sure why it looks like it was taken with a 1999 digital camera…but…there you have it. 🙂

In other news, we all know I love cooking and baking…and trying to make either of those things as healthy as possible is one thing I love to be challenged with! So, this week, I made SuperMan Breakfast Bars with coconut flour and all-natural clover honey for Craig to have a healthy, but travel-ready breakfast to bring on his trips.

SuperMan Breakfast Bars

These are SUPER simple, and according to my husband, extra yummy – not to mention healthy!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • parchment paper
  • 1  cup coconut flour
  • 1/4 cup flax seed (milled)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened)
  • 1 1/4 cup mixed nuts
  • 2 TBS chia seeds
  • 2 TBS dried blueberries
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • 1/4 cup clover honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350*, and line a smaller baking dish with parchment paper. (Hint: You can make it a lot easier on yourself by spraying the dish with non-stick spray for to make the parchment stick.) In one bowl, combine coconut flour, salt, baking soda soda, coconut flakes, nuts, flax and blueberries. In another bowl, combine butter, honey and vanilla. Once well combined, pour dry ingredients into wet and mix well. Press into baking dish on parchment, and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Once cool, place into refrigerator to chill (at least 2 hours), and then cut into squares to serve. These can be kept fresh for about a week in a zip-lock bag, refrigerated.

If you try them, let us know what you think! I have found ‘sugar-free honey’ at Aldi, and can’t wait to try this recipe for myself – Insulin Resistant Style! 🙂

Y’all have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Much Love,

signature heart

What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up, Wednesday: Anchored In Hope!


Hola Friends!

As we mentioned yesterday, things have been busy with our recent trip to Maine & Minnesota! Craig was in recurrent training literally until hours of when we flew out, so we definitely hustled to make it on time!


In Maine, we met with some folks who are quickly becoming extremely good friends of ours who pastor Cross Church Maine.


Those of us who reside in either the Southern or the Midwestern United States cannot grasp the need for evangelization in New England… A Gallup poll from 2012 shows the four (4) least religious states in the country are all located in New England – so the work that our friends, Dr. Aaron & Kathy Werner, are doing to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Maine is absolutely paramount! Check out this article by Ruth Graham about the need for re-evangelizing the historic birthplace of Christianity in our country – It’s quite eye-opening!

Once we left Maine, we headed to see our Minnesota family and, as usual, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

We visited the Como Zoo & Conservatory, where the flowers were BEAUTIFUL and the monkeys were too fast for me to snap a photo of!



We also saw the show ‘Jerusalem’ at the IMAX Omni Theatre at the Science Museum in St. Paul. It was breathtaking!


What a wonderful little getaway that ended way too quickly!!


I did come home to a fabulous surprise, though! If you didn’t see/notice this on Facebook this morning, I am one of 45 women across the country who is so blessed to be a contributor to a devotional about infertility, and the book, “Anchored In Hope” by Ali Forrest is for sale on Amazon! We will be running a giveaway soon for the book, but if you or anyone you know deals with (or has dealt with) infertility, this would be the perfect gift – for both of you! Sometimes those of us with an ‘invisible’ disease feel incredibly alone in dealing and coping with it…It’s a beautiful thing to know that this entire book was compiled by women who contributed their stories out of experience!


Well, y’all, I need to wrap things up so I can bid my precious husband farewell! He’s heading to Texas this evening for the rest of the week. 😦 #boohiss

Until Tomorrow!! We send our love!

signature heart





What's Up Wednesday

A Revenant Review of A Quiet Weekend


Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week! I woke up this morning hoping it was Saturday as I looked at my alarm clock, buzzing like a madman. I don’t think I will ever get used to waking up before the sun!

Alas, Craig and I have enjoyed the whole week together and when I haven’t been working or commuting, we have relished every second. This past weekend we saw the new movie, “The Revenant“…


Honestly…I don’t even know how to ‘review’ this movie  experience…except to say two things:

  1. I will, now, forever have an unhealthy fear of bears.
  2. You may find yourself unconciously holding your breath for long stretches of time, but you will never become disinterested in this film.

Apparently, the movie is based on a true story…and when you see it…you’ll perhaps understand why that is so shocking…Goodness, I am getting shivery just thinking about it…

Please, let me be frank – this is NOT a horror film, nor is it scary…It is just…indescribable, and has an incredible message, I feel, woven within…

Other than our cinematic experience, our weekend was pretty tame. Craig and I ventured into some thrift shops (my fave!) and hardware stores (his fave!) and even made it to JoAnn Fabrics, in preparation for my new sewing and embroidery machine:


Eeeek! We haven’t had much time to experiment, yet!, but I have already delved into one project, and am next interested in converting a pair of huge jeans that I bought thinking they were men’s for Craig…only to discover they were a pair of plus size women’s jeans…which obviously neither of us can wear… LOL… So – On to reinventing into “skinny jeans” – which Pinterest claims is really simple… We shall see!! 🙂

Otherwise it’s been work work work around the Lefebvre home! We are preparing to take a little trip next week – beginning in Maine and ending in Minnesota! There are bound to be pictures to come!

Keep my precious Mama Dee (my mother’s mother) in your prayers, blog-family. In recent weeks, she has undergone a THIRD knee surgery since shattering her patella in November. Prayers for healing, peace, patience and comfort are so very appreciated.

download (22)
From Left: Mama, Mama Dee, Me ❤

And finally, I want to leave you on this ‘What’s Up Wednesday?’ with a beautiful article concerning God’s design for marriage.


“A Last Name Says Alot” by Jasmine Holmes

Take a moment and read and think  on Jasmine’s words…We have a Father in Heaven who LOVES us!!

Well, back to work! Until tomorrow!

signature heart



Busy With A Capital Zzzzzzzzz…


As you all know, Craig and I have a very limited number of relaxing weeks and weekends, and in that regard,  nothing has been remotely out of the ordinary!


In the midst of getting to know our new stomping grounds, we have also kept busy with my Youth Ministry. A few weeks ago, we sang “Revelation Song” at Mass, and rounded out the day by volunteering at a local assisted living facility, and various other acts of service.


I am blessed with a great group of teens! Last week, we meet for a Pizza & Devotion Night at a local restaurant, and it was so cool to have a discussion about faith right in the midst of a busy and crowded restaurant.


As a matter of fact, this weekend, we will be hosting an overnight teen lock-in with another church…We better start resting NOW! 🙂

We also recently made a trek down to Georgia for what seemed like the flash off an eye! I drove down with the pups and was able to meet my best friend’s sweet and beautiful daughter, Willa:


I spent a relaxing afternoon of catching up and manicures with a dear friend in Atlanta:


And Craig and I both were able to spend some meaningful time with family…so meaningful we didn’t even stop and think of taking any pictures! :-\

After taking Craig back to the airport in Atlanta for work, the furs and I made the JOURNEY back to Maine…in ONE stretch! Thanks to our awesomely fuel efficient car, I only stopped once for diesel!

And since our return and my opportunity to speak at the Maine Catholic Women’s Conference last weekend, we have resumed our usual frenetic pace!

Well, back to that busy schedule we go! I have some crafts to make for this weekend’s lock-in, and presumably, a nap to take!

So, what keeps YOU busy? We’d love to hear! 🙂 Can’t wait to talk to you again tomorrow!

Pier & Craig

Posted from WordPress for Android

What's Up Wednesday

Status Quo?


Finally! The middle of the work week! We’ve made it!

So how has your week been thus far?

If you read our post yesterday, you know ours has been a whirlwind. We haven’t stopped and it doesn’t look like stopping is in sight any time in the near future!

Have you ever looked at your life and thought, “If only I had known then what I know now!!!!”? We all have. But do we ever do anything about rectifying our situation, or do we accept what is as the status quo?

That’s how I have been feeling as of late. My job is just a job, and while I am/we are very involved with church and very active in all we take on, I just don’t feel fulfilled in my career life. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband so much, I pinch myself every morning to make sure I’m not living in a fairy tale. Our church (and our church family) are amazing and really do feel like family. The singles ministry we have begun with another (awesome) couple at FullTurn is going to impact our community in a way I can’t even begin to fathom!


I don’t feel like my brain ever gets to turn on.

I want to be CHALLENGED and I want to LEARN again! I enjoyed my first go-round of college a little too much, and attended classes a little less often than I should have. I have my Bachelor’s degree, but it isn’t in an area I feel fulfilled with…

And so when Craig asked me what would make me happy the other day…

I told him, “Going back to school. For real this time. To learn.”

And he, being the amazing husband that he issaid YES.

So, after WANTING and HOPING to do this for YEARS, but never being brave enough to pull the trigger; Never being confident enough to go after my dreams; Never having the follow-through to take the leap…

We registered me for my first class.

I am going to start off slowly. I still have a full-time job. I still have a ton of other responsibilities.

But I’m doing this.

August 6th, 2014. Get ready.

Prayers Please!

signature heart

Food For Thought Friday

It’s Gonna Be A Sunshine-y Day!



We are ECSTATIC today! We were nominated by Lindsay, who authors one of my favorite blogs to read, The Newlywed Notebook, for a Sunshine Award!

blog award

 Rules of the Award:

– Post 11 random facts about yourself
– Answer 11 questions for the blogger who nominated you
– Nominate 11 bloggers to receive the award
– Write your own 11 questions for them to answer
– Notify them that you have nominated them

11 Random Facts 

  1. Our favorite tv show to watch together is 7th Heaven. We started at the beginning and are currently in the 6th season.
  2. We are the proud parents of three fur babies – 2 pups and 1 kitty (Lucy, Caroline & Daisy) – and are excited to bring home our 4th pet (another “big dog”) when we sell our current home, and move! No, we are not crazy! 🙂
  3. We rarely call each other by our “real” names…Yes, we are still super lovey-dovey and all about sweet little pet names. ❤
  4. love icing. Craig loves cake. Perfect match.
  5. Craig likes his socks to be folded…like a shirt or a pair of shorts, rather than rolled up like normal people. 🙂
  6. We have begun to realize that our not having a child this first year and a half + of marriage has been a blessing in disguise. We have really grown as a couple and fallen even deeper in love, and once we have the blessing we can’t wait for of little Jonah, we will never again have this luxury of “just us”.
  7. I have suffered with eating disorders. Eating & self-image are daily battles for me. I have seen countless therapists and read every book on the subject, and the ONLY two sources of REAL help to my (beginning) to overcome my issues are God and Craig. I am one blessed girl to be where I am today. Thank you, Jesus!
  8. Some of my favorite things to do are be on stage singing or speaking publicly. My husband, on the other hand, doesn’t even like speaking over the intercom while flying the plane. Pretty sure that would be my favorite thing about being a pilot… 🙂
  9. Craig & my dad are the only two people on earth I know who could have a bar of Ghirardelli chocolate or a bag (regular sized!) of M&M’s and take more than a week to finish it. Give me an hour or less…
  10. Unless it is a Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks, I drink my coffee black, and Craig is the coffee maker in our house – even though he doesn’t drink it.
  11. Craig and I sometimes pretty much always coordinate our outfits with each other. It always makes for a pretty photo-op! 😉

The Questions…

 1 | What has been your favorite vacation so far?

Definitely our trip last year to Rome, Italy! You can see more here about our AMAZING trip! A close second would be our honeymoon to Grenada – Oh my goodness. If you get the opportunity, GO. THERE. Here’s a link to that post.

2 | How many siblings do you have?

Pier: Just one. But he is a wonderful one. 🙂 I have a brother, Paul (or P.S.J.R as I call him), who is 28 and an Atlanta Bachelor (Ladies?!?!)


Craig has two beautiful sisters: Mandy (pictured below on the left) & Jenna (pictured below at the bottom of the pyramid), who live in the Twin Cities of MN.


3 | Heels or flats?

Depends on the occasion…I love heels…but the older I get, there’s just something about the comfort of flats…Sounds like a trick question to me! 😉

4 | If you could own one exotic animal (not a typical pet) what would it be?

A monkey, of course! (It’s one of Craig’s many nicknames…)

5 | What is your favorite blog post you have written?

Hmmm…That answer is an ever-changing one, but I suppose when it comes right down to it, it’s a toss-up between these two: Head In The Clouds or We Give Up!

6 | What’s your favorite type of music to listen to when you’re rocking out in the car?

This used to be a very different answer… Now it would be my Spotify “Starred” playlist which includes Matt Redman, Hillsong, Charles Jenkins’ “Awesome God”, Elevation Worship, Mercy’s Well, Colton Dixon, Chris Tomlin, Lecrae, Bethel Music….and a little bit of old school Randy Travis. 

7 | What’s one guilty pleasure?

Sugar-free Klondike Bars & ACTUAL movie theater popcorn with extra butter!!!! This is part of our “old married couple routine”  – Sitting on the couch with a Klondike Bar together (The sugar free one I eat is aptly named, “Slim-A-Bear”) or going to the movies and sharing the biggest tub of popcorn ever…but it’s ‘okay’ because it counts as dinner!

8 | Why did you start your blog?

Interestingly, we originally started the blog because we got off of Facebook and needed a way to share “our world” with friends and family. Over time, God led us to share our infertility and our ever-closer walk with Him with others and our blog ‘today’ was born. Through this blog and the people we have gotten to know through it, God has showed us so many things and spoken to us in so many ways!

9 | If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Do calories count? If not, then PIZZA AND PASTA EVERY NIGHT and ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!! Can you tell I’m part Italian?!? 🙂

10 | Are you an introvert or extrovert at heart?

At heart, I am probably a walking contradiction combination. I love the spotlight, but at the same time, I could easily be a hermit and only watch people from the periphery… I have a sneaking suspicion all people are actually a contradictory combination of the two…

11 | What’s one irrational fear you have? (hey, we all have them 🙂 )

Bugs, spiders, anything creepy crawly… Right after I graduated from college, I was living in an apartment – alone – and saw a roach on the wall – all the way across the room. It wasn’t moving. It was just hanging out there on the wall behind the television. But I was completely frozen. When I finally got the courage up to move, I sprinted across the tiny apartment to the laundry room and stubbed my toe HARD against the washing machine. I jumped up on top of it and my toe was bent to the side… Yep. I broke my toe trying to escape from a stationary roach 15 feet away from me. 

We Nominate You!

this girl decor
run roll repeat
the veil of chastity
waiting for baby bird
biblical homemaking
coffee beans and bobby pins
flawless faith
cherishing everyday beauty
grown by grace
a calm persistence
road to baby abraham

For YOU To Answer…

  1. Knowing what you know now, would you go back and RE-DO your past or would you keep it the way it is?

  2. What is the one thing you wish you would have done but didn’t?

  3. If you could be ANYONE for a day, who would it be?

  4. What fragrance/scent reminds you most of your childhood?

  5. What is your BIGGEST pet peeve?

  6. Where do you HOPE to be in life in 10 years?

  7. If you had to choose one, would you own a vacation home in the mountains or at the beach? Which mountain or beach?

  8. What is your favorite comfort food?

  9. What Bible verse has gotten you through the toughest of times?

  10. What is the BEST song for your workout or run to keep you motivated?

  11. If there was only one piece of advice you could give to your child (future or current), what would it be?

Ooooh I cannot WAIT to read these answers!! Especially after this afternoon’s embarrassment…. Y’all. I was on a GLOBAL CONFERENCE CALL. I was listening LIVE in the conference room where our company president was speaking. I had turned BOTH of my phones to silent, and chose today to wear a new dress and REEEEALLLY high heels… So all of a sudden, DURING THE LIVE CALL, my phone decides to play – at full volume – “Don’t Turn Around” by Ace of Base. And I RUN out of the room (as fast as I can in sky-high heels), and try to turn it off, but it freezes. I finally get it to stop. I double check that the volume is off (It is.) I make sure that, even though it turned itself on, iHeartRadio isn’t on. (It isn’t.) I go back into the conference room.

And 2 minutes later, it happens AGAIN.

Needless to say, this time, I left my phone in the neighboring conference room, just in case it decided to take hold of a mind of it’s own….HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!!

The moral of the story is: Turn your phone OFF. Don’t trust SILENT. 🙂

Oh, and don’t worry, this Friday will be What’s Up Wednesday – You’ll get to hear all about our big weekend trip!

Until tomorrow,
signature heart


What's Up Wednesday

(Practically) Wordless Wednesday

WednesdayAt the Lefebvre Household, we have been pretty boring this past week. 😦 Rather than tell you what has NOT been ‘up’ in our lives, enjoy an almost WORDLESS WEDNESDAY instead. 🙂 Enjoy!

wordless wednesday

Enough preciousness for you?

Join us for an AWESOME post tomorrow by a SPECIAL GUEST!!!!
