Food For Thought Friday

Food For Thought: Are you a Light or a Flicker?


Wanna know something funny?

This Facebook post:


…received 40 likes.

This one: Blog.3

…received 35 likes and 5 comments.

But this one, on the other hand:


…received one ‘like’.

And this one…Blog.1

…only got “one”, as well.

So why am I mentioning this? Do I really care about how many “likes”, comments, shares, or re-blogs we have?

Not in the least.

But I do find it ‘funny’ – and not in an “LOL” way – that we are so quick to “like” a ‘pretty’ picture, “share” bad news, or comment on a post about fashion or friendship…and yet, we stray away from sharing, posting, liking or remarking about our faith on social media.

Craig and I certainly don’t author this blog for the income it provides (read: zero). We don’t share our faith because we desire fame, or tons of “likes” or “followers”. This blog is up and running today not because I have a wealth of time to write it, but because Jesus calls us to stand up for him!

In a world where violence is rampant; evil is portrayed as ‘good’ and normal, and the name of Jesus is a dirty word… We are called by him to shine like a light on a hill:

 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[a] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  Matthew 5: 14-16

How are you interpreting that scripture? Do you think being a LIGHT for all the world to see means fading into society so that no one out there knows your beliefs? Do you think it means hiding your faith? If that is how you’re living, you aren’t truly being a Christ-follower…

Now, listen. I am not here to judge, nor am I judging. But I love you people. I pour my heart and soul out to you weekly, and have (on and off) for almost three years. I write to you because Jesus has called me to do so, and because I love Him and long to follow Him more closely, I must obey.

Trust me. I am not perfect, nor am I claiming to be. I am a sinner. I mess up every single day, but that doesn’t stop me from striving to be the daughter of the Risen King I know I am.

Don’t shy away from sharing your faith – from letting others know what you believe and WHO you follow, and WHY. If you truly love Him, then don’t you want others to know the indescribable joy with which He fills you, in spite of all circumstances?

Be different. Shine like a light in the darkness. Do you know how many people have said to my face, behind my back, or behind the mask of a computer screen that I am a Jesus Freak? That I am “taking things too far”? That we take this “church thing too seriously”?

So. What.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, but Him.

Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.’ Matthew 7:21-23

So, therein lies your ‘food for thought’…Are you shining the light of Christ for all to see? I don’t care if you “like” my posts or share them or comment on them. But I do hope that you will never be ashamed of or afraid to reveal your faith.

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Thirsty For Christ Thursday

Not Too Thirsty


Thirsty for Christ. What does that phrase mean to you?

I’ll tell you what it means to me – hungering after following Him, being consumed by wanting a deeper relationship with the Father, realizing that nothing else can satisfy your soul the way He does.

We currently have a world population of more than 7.3 billion people. Roughly 31% of those 7.3 billion people claim to be Christians. That’s over 2.1 billion people. 2.1 billion.

If all two billion of us were truly thirsty for Christ, would this world be in the state it’s in today? We live in a world predicted by the prophets:

 “ Be sure of this. In the last days hard times will come. People will love themselves. They will love money. They will talk about themselves and be proud. They will say wrong things about people. They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful. They will not keep anything holy. They will have no love. They will not agree with anybody. They will tell lies about people. They will have no self-control. They will beat people. They will not love anything that is good.They cannot be trusted. They will act quickly, without thinking. They are proud of themselves. They love to have fun more than they love God.They act as if they worshipped God, yet they do not let God’s power work in their lives. Keep away from people like that.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Um…that sounds like now to me…but regardless, shouldn’t we Christians (all 2 billion of us) be shining SO brightly that we overshadow the over 69%? Shouldn’t we be so loving and forgiving and helpful and full of JOY that people can’t help but be drawn to us?

Why is it then that instead of striving to be like Jesus, we are fighting, assimilating with the secular world around us, insulting, blaming, judging…

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

We are called to be transformed –  to be different, outsiders! We should have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, and therefore, have the mind of Christ – making it more than a little obvious when something isn’t right.

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.” John 15:18-24

I pray for all of us to strive to be more Christlike – to thirst for Him. Christianity is not passive. It is not a club you belong to and never visit. It is a LIFESTYLE that affects every single decision you make, and every single thing you do. It is a CHOICE to follow Him, no matter what is thrown in your path.

A true servant of Jesus Christ is one who is willing to experience martyrdom for the reality of the gospel of God. When a moral person is confronted with contempt, immorality, disloyalty, or dishonesty, he is so repulsed by the offense that he turns away and in despair closes his heart to the offender. But the miracle of the redemptive reality of God is that the worst and the vilest offender can never exhaust the depths of His love. Paul did not say that God separated him to show what a wonderful man He could make of him, but “to reveal His Son in me…” (Galatians 1:16). (from ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ by Oswald Chambers)

Are you willing to thirst and hunger after Christ at all costs?

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My Choice Monday

My Choice Monday: Joy


Let me be brutally honest.

Life is hard.

It’s hard to be alone every week. It’s hard to watch all my friends post pictures on Facebook and Instagram of their beautiful children. It’s hard to accept that some people don’t want to rekindle friendship with you and your husband. It’s not fun to wake up and be on the road before the sun in the morning, every morning, and arrive back home – to a husband-less household – after the sun has gone back to bed.

But in spite of all of that, and any other circumstances I may have glossed over, people continually remark at my cheerful demeanor, how happy and carefree I seem to be…and I can honestly say it isn’t my doing at all.

Job 13:15

Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.

Have any of you recently read the book of Job? I’m currently reading and studying this book of the Bible, and if you haven’t read it closely, WOW, Job had it pretty bad. I feel almost embarrassed to complain about anything in my life because, well, there but for the grace of God go I!

Job was not only the wealthiest man around; he also was “…a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?” (Job 1:8 ESV) He was blessed with ten children, numerous servants, countless livestock…probably the nicest tent on the block! And not only these material possessions were taken away, but his health fell away too. Job 2:8 (ESV) says, “And he took a piece of broken pottery with which to scrape himself while he sat in the ashes.”

Here is a man who was on top of the world, and now he sits on top of ashes, where his belongings had burned. His children are gone. His servants are gone. His livestock is gone. And he is covered from head to toe with itchy boils and sores covering his skin, and all he can do is scrape at himself with a shard of pottery, broken in the midst of everything.

Job’s wife, almost understandably so, says to him, “…Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” Job 2:9 (ESV)

But his response to her is a lesson for all of us:

But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.” Job 2:10 (ESV)

Job trusted God. He praised God, and he accepted his circumstances.

Not that my own circumstances come close to those of Job, but I have found in praying about and trying to find reason and comfort for many of the things going on in our life, if Jesus calls you to experience something, He gives you everything you need to get through it. And not only survive, but to do so with JOY and PEACE.

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you. Let your heart not be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

It’s the very thing that allows persecuted Christians to get out of bed every morning: their worlds may be falling apart around them, but they are BLESSED with a RELATIONSHIP with the CREATOR – “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

It’s amazing what Jesus can do with circumstances in our lives that seem to be only painful at first glance. I am so blessed to be asked to share Jesus with so many people simply because they hear a part of our story and are amazed at the peace and calm and joy in our lives.

The Lord gives his people strength.
The Lord blesses them with peace. Psalm 29:11 (NLT)

That peace, strength and JOY is Jesus and our relationship to Him, my friends. It’s nothing short of amazing, and He is all you need.

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Thirsty For Christ Thursday

A Spirit-Filled Atmosphere


Good Morning Friends & Welcome to Thirsty For Christ Thursday!

If you have been reading our blog for long, you know we love the devotionals written by Sarah Young – most especially “Jesus Calling” and “Jesus Today”. So this morning we want to bless you with a recent devotion from “Jesus Today”, in a format you can even print and hang by your desk as a reminder:

thirstythursday81815I just love the imagery that is derived from those last few sentences: ‘When Christlike goodness collides with worldly vileness, be on the lookout for miracles! The collision of spiritual opposites creates atmospheric conditions that are conducive to My powerful interventions.

Those words give me a visual of storm clouds erupting into miraculous lightening strikes.


You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. Psalm 77:14 NLT

One thing to take from Ms. Young’s devotion is this: “Be on the lookout for miracles.” If you are told to be ‘on the lookout’ for an approaching train, you would be expecting that train to come around the corner at any moment! So the same we should be in being on the ‘lookout’ for God’s Mighty Hand at work!

As the psalm above says, He is the God of great wonders, and our faith in Him should reflect our belief that nothing is impossible with Him.

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26 NLT

Be expectant of the miraculous in your circumstances!

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My Choice Monday

A Top Ten List For Your Top Ten Places

MondayIt’s already Monday?!?! Wow, it feels like this weekend just flew by! Not only was I busy with cooking (Craig’s) meals for this week, but when Craig arrived home on Saturday afternoon, we enjoyed the beautiful day walking at the Marietta Square and having dinner at Stockyard Burgers & Bones – where I was delighted to find they served not only gluten-free buns, but also lettuce wraps for their burgers! Yippee!

After church on Sunday, we began getting Craig ready for his trips this week with more cooking – that man eats pretty well, if I do say so myself! 😉 We also took the pups to a nearby dog park, and all ran around and played catch as a family. Anyone who thinks it takes human children to turn a married couple into a family is sadly mistaken. We are just the family God designed us to be at this moment in our marriage!! (Not that we can’t wait to see what He has in store for our next season!) You should have seen us running around out there, talking to Lucy & Caroline as if they were people! 🙂 They are my heart!

What are your weekend activities? Where are your favorite places to spend with your loved ones? For our My Choice Monday post, we have compiled a list of some of our faves (in Georgia & Maine) for free time fun:

  1. The Marietta Square
  2. Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield Park
  3. Silver Comet Trail
  4. Elements
  5. Old Orchard Beach Pier
  6. Downtown Portland
  7. The Sun Dial
  8. Kayaking at Big Cedar Creek
  9. White Oak Park
  10. Westbrook River Walk

So now it’s your turn? What do you like to do on the weekends, or in your spare time with your loved ones? There was a time we spent way too much time indoors and at home, but now, we are facing the beautiful opportunities the Lord provides each day by celebrating His glorious creation as much as we possibly can!

It’s amazing how the feeling of a long week and a tired earthly body can be reactivated with a little bit of fun! 🙂

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Food For Thought Friday

What’s For Dinner?


Friends, it has been a long week alone! And tonight, although Craig was scheduled to return home, it looks like the airlines had other planes (Ha! A true Freudian slip!) plans for him. Alas, I have an exciting night of cooking ahead of me anyway, and if I can’t be with my husband tonight, I am actually a little thrilled to be getting back into meal planning and preparing meals ahead of time!;-)

So today, I thought I would share with you the recipes I am making tonight for next week, and a freebie: A Meal Plan Printable & Grocery List!






Obviously, I’m a big fan of Danielle at Let’s Dish! For this coming week, every meal came from her food blog, so if you see anything that looks yummy to you – and how could it not?!?! – check it out for yourself!

Now, perhaps you’re wondering how I eat any of this if you know anything about my dietary restrictions, and the truth is, that I won’t be eating the pizza or sandwiches, but the quinoa cakes, salmon and chicken should be DELICIOUS with a few minor modifications. 🙂

What are your thoughts on meal planning and cooking in advance for the week ahead? If you’d like to try it (and experience the lessening of pressure from not having to THINK about what’s for dinner or the last minute rush to the grocery store), check out my free printable:

Meal Plan TemplateLet me know what you think, and how this system works for you! And by the way, what’s your favorite recipe? You never know, we may add it to our next meal plan!

Have a great weekend!

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My Choice Monday

Turning Traffic Into Tranquility


Happy Monday Y’all!

I don’t know where all of you live, but here in the Atlanta area, it is BACK TO SCHOOL MONDAY!! Traffic was just dandy and my fellow drivers seemed to be in such relaxed moods!!! 🙂

Obviously, I speak sarcastically, but it brings me to the My Choice Monday topic of the day:

Turning Traffic Into Tranquility

5 Tips For Making Your Drive To Work A Blessing

  • Audible: Download the app on your phone and discover the joy of listening to great books on the way to work. It’s inexpensive and if you’re busy like the rest of the world, it can make reading that book you’ve been meaning to read a possibility!
  • Podcasts: Learn about subjects and topics that interest you or delve further into the subject your pastor spoke about on Sunday!
  • The Bible From 30,000 Feet: Skip Heitzig, pastor of Calvary Chapel Albequerque in New Mexico, did a series several years ago that is available on both Audible & as a podcast. It goes over every single book of the Bible, not verse by verse, but in detail with attention to historical background and Jewish custom. Craig and I typically read a book of the Bible and then follow-up by listening to Skip’s podcast/chapter on that book.
  • Prayer: Make your travel time your prayer time. I find some of my best conversations with God happen in the car. I can worship and belt out some of my favorite songs to Him. I can pray, cry, scream out loud to Him with abandon. Consider this your first meeting of the morning. You won’t have to worry about dialing-in or being late, because He is always right there. Waiting.
  • Two of my favorite devotional books are by the same author, Sarah Young, who wrote both “Jesus Calling” and it’s ‘sequel’ – “Jesus Today”. This past Friday’s “Jesus Today” reading had this to say:

“When world events are swirling around you and your personal world feels unsteady, don’t let your mind linger on those stressors. Tell yourself the truth: ‘Yes, this world is full of trouble, but Jesus is with me and He is in control.’ 

I don’t know about you, but I need to write that on my hand with a Sharpie and make a sticky note to put in my car too:

“…but Jesus is with me, and He is in control!”

That should be our mantra for traffic, stressful work situations, family squabbles, disagreements, political issues, the disturbing news of the world. Let us be reminded that no matter what, He’s got the whole world in His hands. We are His children and as long as we follow Him closely, we will be just fine.

When the horns honk and my blood pressure begins to rise as a car cuts me off, I will take a deep breath and, instead of yelling, remind myself:

“…but Jesus is with me, and He is in control!”

Isaiah43.1.FreePrintableNewlywedlefebvresIf you didn’t grab our free printable on Friday, here’s another chance, because this also fits well into the theme of tranquility in the midst of stress. Isaiah 43 is one of many places in the Bible to be reminded of His great and wondrous, overwhelming love for us:

But now, O Jacob, listen to the lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.
For I am the lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom;
I gave Ethiopia and Seba in your place.
Others were given in exchange for you.
I traded their lives for yours
because you are precious to me.
You are honored, and I love you.
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
I will gather you and your children from east and west.
I will say to the north and south,
‘Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel
from the distant corners of the earth.
Bring all who claim me as their God,
for I have made them for my glory.
It was I who created them.’”
Bring out the people who have eyes but are blind,
who have ears but are deaf.
Gather the nations together!
Assemble the peoples of the world!
Which of their idols has ever foretold such things?
Which can predict what will happen tomorrow?
Where are the witnesses of such predictions?
Who can verify that they spoke the truth?
“But you are my witnesses, O Israel!” says thelord.
“You are my servant.
You have been chosen to know me, believe in me,
and understand that I alone am God.
There is no other God—
there never has been, and there never will be.
I, yes I, am the lord,
and there is no other Savior.
First I predicted your rescue,
then I saved you and proclaimed it to the world.
No foreign god has ever done this.
You are witnesses that I am the only God,”
says the lord.
“From eternity to eternity I am God.
No one can snatch anyone out of my hand.
No one can undo what I have done.”
The lord’s Promise of Victory
This is what the lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“For your sakes I will send an army against Babylon,
forcing the Babylonians to flee in those ships they are so proud of.
I am the lord, your Holy One,
Israel’s Creator and King.
I am the lord, who opened a way through the waters,
making a dry path through the sea.
I called forth the mighty army of Egypt
with all its chariots and horses.
I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned,
their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
“But forget all that—
it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
The wild animals in the fields will thank me,
the jackals and owls, too,
for giving them water in the desert.
Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland
so my chosen people can be refreshed.
I have made Israel for myself,
and they will someday honor me before the whole world.
“But, dear family of Jacob, you refuse to ask for my help.
You have grown tired of me, O Israel!
You have not brought me sheep or goats for burnt offerings.
You have not honored me with sacrifices,
though I have not burdened and wearied you
with requests for grain offerings and frankincense.
You have not brought me fragrant calamus
or pleased me with the fat from sacrifices.
Instead, you have burdened me with your sins
and wearied me with your faults.
“I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake
and will never think of them again.
Let us review the situation together,
and you can present your case to prove your innocence.
From the very beginning, your first ancestor sinned against me;
all your leaders broke my laws.
That is why I have disgraced your priests;
I have decreed complete destruction for Jacob
and shame for Israel.

Have a blessed Monday, friends!

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Food For Thought Friday

Trust & Obey

freefridayHappy Friday Lovies!

Are you as ready for the weekend as we are?!?! I don’t know about y’all, but for me, this has been the longest week ever!

Probably a lot of that has to do with the fact Craig was out of town. I’m not gonna lie – It’s tough being alone so much, and I can’t even begin to describe how much I miss my husband!

But last night, at about midnight, he finally walked through our front door! Yippee!!!

So needless to say, we are excited to be blessed with the weekend together before he heads back to Texas, and…we just might be doing a little bit of celebrating…

Just like we mentioned in our flashback to last year’s post, “Pack!”, on Wednesday, God works in amazing ways – and they look nothing like the expectations of this world! So, almost exactly a year to the day of having a signed contract on our Dallas, Georgia home, yesterday, we sealed the deal on a signed contract for buyers of our Maine home! WOOHOO!

God is good!

And for anyone out there who thinks this is mere coincidence, think again. He tells us in Scripture not to be afraid, for He is with us! He has called us by name, and we belong to Him. (paraphrase Isaiah 43:1)

Can you take a moment to think about that and apply it to the context of your own life?

You are a creation of God, your Heavenly Father, who loves you so much, He never leaves your side. He tells you that wherever He leads you, He will always be right there. How amazing is that? The One who created the universe calls YOU by name, and knows every freckle on your face by heart.

He led us to Maine; He provided for us in what was a very daunting and seemingly impossible situation; We served Him; He opened doors of opportunity for us; We followed His command; He led us back to Georgia; We obeyed Him; He gave Craig a promotion, and He provided for our family, and He continues to provide and lead us step by step.

Trust and Obey. Just like the old, beautiful hymn:

Written By John Sammis, 1887


  1. When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.

    • Refrain:
      Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
      To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
  2. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
    But His smile quickly drives it away;
    Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
    Can abide while we trust and obey.
  3. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
    But our toil He doth richly repay;
    Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
    But is blessed if we trust and obey.
  4. But we never can prove the delights of His love
    Until all on the altar we lay;
    For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
    Are for them who will trust and obey.
  5. Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
    Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;
    What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
    Never fear, only trust and obey.

That hymn (not to mention that version), especially when I think back over this past year and to our future, gives me goosebumps Jesus-bumps and brings happy tears to my eyes. I hope it blesses you today too!

As a constant reminder of His Faithfulness, we have a little treat for you today – a free printable:


Just right-click the image above and choose “Save Image As” to get yours! When I read those words, I can’t help but feel like nothing can stop me!

After all, we are sons and daughters of the RISEN KING! Hallelujah & Happy Friday!

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We posted this exactly one year ago today, but the message is as relevant now as it was then! It’s hard to believe the unfathomable work God has done in that short amount of time!

Following Him sure doesn’t look like the WORLD, but man, what an adventure!! Don’t worry about how you will accomplish what He asks of you…He takes care of your needs, if you only TRUST HIM!

And as a side note, as of today, we have completed negotiations with someone who placed an offer on our home in Maine! My how He comes full circle! 🙂

The (Not-So) Newlywed Lefebvres


When we listed our home for sale on the morning of March 28th, it was with excitement and a sense of the unknown. We knew we wanted to move into a new home, but we weren’t sure where…or when…or what it would be like; we just knew that we were not living in “our” home. But besides the feeling we were living somewhere that wasn’t ‘the place for us’, there were no onlookers to our home, not many bites, no phone calls of interest….and frustration set in.

Not too much later – some time in April, Craig came to me and said, “God is asking us to pack.”

But, sadly, we didn’t listen. Each weekend there was a different excuse:

“I’m tired.”

“We’re too busy.”

“Where will the boxes go?”

“What will we eat off of if we pack up all the plates?”

…so we never really packed…

Until, one day…

View original post 586 more words

My Choice Monday

A Case of the Mint-Free Mondays


Happy Happy Monday Folks!

…and what a Monday it is! I shipped Craig off to Texas on Saturday, so this weekend was one of the first in my re-training myself in ‘How To Be A Single Wife’. These days his schedule means about 6 days in Texas and then, hopefully, enough time to catch a stand-by flight (or 2) home to re-group, have his laundry done, and pick-up some new home-cooked meals before he heads back out for another 6-in-a-row… I have to admit…I love him with every nanofiber of my being, and I wouldn’t trade our life together for a nanosecond, but the Pilot’s Wife’s Life is tough.


I look at those of you with kids and I think, well, at least you have COMPANY! 🙂 It’s just me and the furs at our house!

The Girls

Anyways, getting to my point :-)…in the re-training process, I am learning how to sleep in an empty house again. It’s something I have never been good at, and having to wake up around 5:00AM means it’s something I need to improve upon! I got in bed last night, sure I would fall fast asleep, quickly. I was soooo exhausted. But my mind had other plans…I tossed and turned and heard (and jumped) every time the cat jumped off of the bed to wander around – which seems to be about every 45 seconds. Finally, I decided I would put on a podcast of a sermon to fall asleep to. International House of Prayer App? Check. Sermon? Check…

But the moment I close my eyes and get comfortable, I realize this must be a sermon about the Book of Revelation and the End Times. Nope. I can’t listen to that when the cat and the dark are scaring me and keeping me awake!! Eyes open again and it’s on to the sermon search…ok…I find one that seems to be about Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount, and drift off to sleep.

My alarm blares me to life at 5AM…I hit snooze…or so I thought…

When my eyes slid open at 6:22AM, I realized I must have turned my alarm off. Yay. And today’s the first day of school for much of the Atlanta area….I knew traffic would be worse than usual – by a longshot, and I only had 15 minutes to get ready and leave for work.

While I did manage to corral the dogs in the kitchen, make one cup of coffee for the road, and pull my hair into a barrette, I had that rushed feeling that I despise since I prefer to arrive everywhere with 15 minutes to spare.

So, today, is a Monday. For sure. I am praying my quiet time in the car at lunch proves successful in de-stressing me for the remainder of the day. The Orange Essential Oil didn’t do the job…Although I think the Lavender may have worked too well – once I got to sleep!!

…which brings me to today’s product recommendation:

Auromere Toothpaste

Y’all. I have a confession. I cannot STAND minty toothpaste.


The idea of brushing my teeth and then having to wait an hour before I drink my coffee or a glass of orange juice really drives me batty, and at night, that crazy strong mint flavor keeps me awake.

I know. First world problems.

However, much to Craig’s chagrin, I found this toothpaste which is a game changer. Not only is it free of fluoride, gluten, bleaches, artificial sweeteners, dyes and animal ingredients, it comes in a non-minty, licorice-ish flavor, and makes your mouth feel so clean. 

Craig does not like the licorice flavor (aka Mint-Free, although there is a ‘Licorice’ flavor), but agrees it makes your mouth/teeth feel clean. We are going to sample the Fresh Mint flavor for him.

The link I’ve included lists the toothpaste at $6.99, but I was able to find it at TJ Maxx for $4.00. Similar to using salon shampoo, you don’t need as much, so one tube should last a long while. We bought ours at the end of May and it hasn’t changed shape at all.

So, whether you’re into minty toothpaste or licorice, this toothpaste could be the answer for your pearly whites too.

*Please note: We were not compensated in any way for the aforementioned product review. Above, please find an honest, consumer’s opinion of a product.*

Have a great day, friends! We send our love!

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