My Choice Monday

Jonah Day 2015: A Day of Thanks

If you’ve been visiting our blog for long, you know November 29th is Jonah Day. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, see this post to catch up. 🙂

Every year on November 29th, Craig and I count our many blessings and thank God for our precious baby, Jonah, who will be joining us one day! This year, not having been able to spend Thanksgiving together, we whipped up quite the feast to celebrate Jonah!

Today, since I’m sure we are all still in a turkey/leftovers coma, I’m going to spare you a full-on blog post and just share some pictures of the food we prepared. If you want any of the recipes, click on the photo to be re-directed to a close facsimile. 🙂

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I started off our morning with completely from scratch Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls. Here they are ‘resting’ and ‘rising’ before they went into the oven.
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Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls – The finished product!


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Hot Mulled Cider
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Our ‘Appetizer’: Caramel Havarti with Candied Pecans & Granny Smith Apples
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Lucy never leaves my side… 🙂 #loveher
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Cranberry Sauce
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Zesting a Meyer Lemon into the cranberries while they were bubbling away. The recipe this links to calls for orange juice, but I find the zest of a Meyer Lemon does the trick without adding anymore sweetness.
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Skillet Cornbread
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Skillet Cornbread as the butter is melting in…Yummmmmm!
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Chop Chop Chop!
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Talking with my hands…about the corn casserole I’m preparing!
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Corn Casserole
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Corn Casserole
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Very interested in the cooking that’s going on…
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The Bird
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Craig was in charge on the turkey – So of course we had to grill it!
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Sweet Potato Souffle just before it went into the oven…
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Adding a few more marshmallows for the final 5 minutes on the Sweet Potatoes… You’ll note the recipe doesn’t call for ANY, but I HAVE to have marshmallows with my sweet potatoes! 🙂
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Sweet Potatoes (pre-oven again)
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Oh the marshmallows…
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Delicious Turnip Gratin… SO decadent!
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Turnip Gratin
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Oyster Dressing – a throwback to our year in New England
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So. Good.
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Pardon my messy hair. At least I don’t have roots! 🙂
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Those sweet pups…Don’t let their innocent angel smiles fool you. Lucy totally stole some turkey while Craig and I were eating!
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Broccoli & Cauliflower Casserole
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Broccoli & Cauliflower Casserole – I added more cheese than the recipe called for…And I highly recommend it! 😉
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Almost Done!!!
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So delicious! I wish I could share the recipe for this but to be honest, I have no idea. It was all Craig and the grill. I will say: it was the BEST turkey I have ever eaten!! Super moist and flavorful!!!
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Pecan Pie!!! (Made even more delicious with some French Vanilla Whipped Cream!) I used the recipe for the Perfect Pie Crust and then the recipe for the Pecan Pie at the link.
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Seriously one of my favorite desserts…No walnuts…Just add Vanilla Ice Cream please!

And there you have it! I’d have to say Jonah Day was pretty successful as far as both thankfulness and cooking were concerned! We ate at 3pm yesterday and neither one of us TOUCHED a morsel of food again until breakfast. 😉

Until we meet again,

signature heart

TTC Tuesday

Endless blessings; Endless Thanks!


OK so today will not have any fancy editing and pictures all around as I am not nearly as talented as my wife in this area! I am lucky to have figured out the banner at the top and I am definitely thanking Jesus that I got it to work so that the day can be known to all. When Pier asked me to do a blog post for today I was delighted to say yes and help in anyway that I could (it is rare that she ever asks for my help no matter how busy she is!). Then came the  thought of what can I write about. Then realizing that it was Thank You Jesus Tuesday I knew that this would be an easy topic because what is there that we can not thank Him for? Every thing, big or small is given to us by Him! The first thought that popped into my head was I need to thank Jesus for my wonderful wife. I feel that I can never thank Him enough for who He has blessed me with.

Thank You Jesus for my wonderful wife Pier!!!!

This is a little more about the amazing girl that selflessly sits down and writes this blog day in and day out. When I read the inspiring posts that she writes it is only a mere fraction of the inspiration she brings to my life! Pier truly has a heart for our Lord and nothing excites her more than to be able to share His love in this world. She is blessed with the gift of being able to help others to understand Christ’s love on a deeper level and when I see the people and hear the stories of people she has touched I can relate to exactly how they feel because I have experienced the very same feeling. Pier’s heart is always open to God. Not only is her heart open but when she feels called by the Holy Spirit to do something she does not let that go idle. She will put in action what ever it is that she was called to do. Some people would get discouraged by the constant calling of doing things that sometimes seem impossible but she is always energized. This is because she has 100% faith in God and she knows that He would never call her to do something that she could not obtain. She knows that with God anything is possible! Not only can Pier inspire us with written word, ability to help others and her determined mindset but also in her God given voice to sing. Her voice is able to touch many in many different ways. I love every moment that I get to hear her sing praises to God.  Now I know that Pier’s ultimate desire for this blog is to reach the hearts of people and to draw them closer to God and so I want to close out with a little piece of Scripture. What does the Bible say about giving thanks?

 Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”

Pier and I start off every prayer time with a time of giving thanks. We feel that is important to always thank Him for what he has given us. It could be something as small as thanking Him for the peaceful moment in your day or something much larger. No matter how big or small giving thanks to God is what we are called to do.

What is one thing today you can sit down and say thank you to God for? How about two things? There are endless opportunities to thank God for blessings in our lives.

signature heart


Two Years Ago Today…

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is a very special day indeed! Two years ago, on this very day, at this very time, I must have been sitting at my desk at RB Management, poring over magazine pictures and talking with my friends at the office…Trying to decide what I was going to wear for a VERY special date I had that evening. A first date. A first date with the man who turned out to be my husband.

One year ago on this day, I had received a (what appeared at the time to be) very odd package delivered to me at the office…It contained a CD of special songs…a sweet letter…and another envelope I wasn’t allowed to open yet. I left work early for a doctor’s appointment, and afterwards watched a DVD of our past year together with Craig and then went to get ready for our Anniversary Date, only to be met with beautiful flowers and an AMAZING proposal.

Two years ago today my life changed forever, and one year ago today, it changed even MORE and for the absolute best! Happy two year anniversary of our first date, and one year anniversary of the day you asked me to be your wife, Craig! I love you!

One Year Ago Today!
One Year Ago Today!


It’s the first of these years we have not been able to be together, but such is the life of a pilot’s wife! I am, however, able to enjoy this Holy Thursday with the adorable Miss Daisy, and her sister Lucy – both babies are napping and so I finally had a chance to write this blog!

The Girls
The Girls

In other recent news, the draperies are (halfway) completed! 1: We misplaced, and JUST found the return for the other window, and 2: Craig has to be here to thread the bobbin on my sewing machine… SO (or SEW ha ha ha), I did the first panel with stitchwitchery to try and surprise my hubby a few weeks ago with completed draperies… BUT it took almost 4 hours to finish one panel, and my sewing machine just would not allow me to thread it…When C got home, he threaded the bobbin and the second panel was completed while he washed the car with Lucy (fun for him! lol), but then we couldn’t find the return for the 2nd window in our bedroom…So, one window – two panels – are complete!

Draperies DraperiesI’ll try another picture where you can better see the entire window treament soon. I’m not sure why, but the flash on my camera made everything look blue…Oh, well, at least my side of the room is darkened – which means Lucy doesn’t wake up with the roosters, as she did BEFORE the drapes…Whew! 🙂 I really love the wa the window turned out! Craig’s cornice board, made with shims and leftover finish from the refurbishment of our  dresser, plus these draperies, against the deep blue accent wall, really do a lot for our bedroom!

We have ANOTHER new addition in our home, as well: “Alfred”.

Alfred AlfredThe cow rug! :-)If you are in the design world, this rug is a Safavieh! Pricewise, we STOLE it! If you know my husband at all, you know two things: First, he is not likely to pay a lot of money for a rug…Especially one that is solely for decoration. But also, he has a thang for cows and all things farm. “Alfred” (along with the cow print I gave him for Christmas) really makes a statement in our den! Both we AND our girls just love it!

If you haven’t been over in awhile…ahem….please come and visit SOON! You must see all the changes that have turned this once-bachelor pad into our little family’s home!

Little Lucifer Lucy has been growing like a WEED – or maybe faster!

Baby LucyThat was the day we brought her home. This is the other day:

Big Girl!She has discovered a new walking trail, which is DEFINITELY her favorite! The only downside is the 20 minute drive to reach it, along with the fact it is FIVE MILES LONG. You certainly have to carve out a large portion of your day to be able to indulge her!

Walking with DaddyThere are plenty of opportunities for her to get into trouble, considering this is a true nature trail. Yesterday she dove right into a creek that runs alongside the trail, and desperately attempted to catch a fish – which was actually just a floating leaf, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her. Three hours and a 20 minute car ride home later:

Well Worth ItThis was MY reward! The 5 mile walk is MORE than worth it! 🙂

Craig and I celebrated 6 months of marriage a few weeks ago:

Perfect Six Months!And these truly have been the best six months of my life. Hands Down. Without Question! And so, on that note, let me say that we were overjoyed to celebrate the marriage of two more of our dear friends this past weekend: Ashley and JW (or John, or P. Diddy???? Not sure WHAT to call him after the speeches we heard at the rehearsal dinner…) 🙂 It is wonderful to be able to welcome another set of our friends into the bliss and journey that is marriage! Congratulations Ash & J! We wish you all the happiness!!

Ashley Well, I must go! Lucy needs a walk, I need to finish my Bible Study, and then I have to get ready for our parish’s Holy Thursday service! Being in the choir has been SUCH a blessing!

We wish you all the best, and send you all of our love.

In Christ,

Pier & Craig




Blessings Through Raindrops

Yesterday morning I was fortunate enough to enjoy my morning coffee on our back deck, looking out into the distant hills and enjoying the crisp Georgia breeze. While I sipped my coffee, I prayed the same prayer Craig and I have been diligently praying for what seems like forever…and then glanced down to notice that what had once looked like tree-esque weeds, now were almost actual mini pine trees…Which reminded me that God provides. Always. Matthew 6:25-34 comes to mind and is one of my favorite passages in the Bible.

And speaking of blessings in places you don’t expect, if you know THIS Newlywed Lefebvre, you know how much I despise dedicated exercise. I love to be outside hiking, playing ball, enjoying nature, swimming, but when it comes to saying, “Ok, time to exercise for 30 minutes,” typically, I would rather be told I would be denied food for a week. HOWEVER, Craig and I decided to start running together in the mornings during the week about a week ago and we have been pretty good about keeping it up, I’m even running on my own when he’s on the road. Why and how is this a blessing you might ask? Well, first, it’s more time we get to spend together. The extra hour in the mornings before I head off to the office have now become something we actually look forward to, and in ADDITION, we are doing something beneficial for ourselves! It also makes ME thankful for modern science…as we discovered one early morning last week, without my asthma inhaler and knee brace, running is…well…not a blessing! 😉

Craig called this morning to tell me he was heading out from Oklahoma City on the last leg of his trip right as I was using my inhaler and heading out the door for my run…he warned me about the rain…and about halfway into my run, it started POURING…and I was drenched! I considered picking up the pace and running straight back to the house, but then I looked up at the sky and I thought about those little pine trees in our backyard…and how God was providing for them everything they needed to grow and mature…and I thanked God for the rain and continued the final 15 minutes soaking wet! It helped to reiterate to me that GOD WILL PROVIDE for Craig and I, and we will keep praying and thanking Him for all we already have. We are so blessed.

“Blessings” by Laura Story

On a side note, we have been promising a picture of the dresser we refinished… This dresser is Stickley and when I found it a few years ago at the antique store it was stenciled in horrid varying shades of green and red and yellow…Hideous barely begins to describe it. People would see it in my old condo and comment on its ugliness! I assured them of its potential! If you have never heard of Stickley furniture, read about it here. The antique store where I found it didn’t know what it was either, and allowed me to take it off of their hands for a mere $200!!

After removing the horrible paint and sanding down the surface, we stained it a bluish grey and replaced all the knobs with clear glass ones:



What do you think? 🙂

Well, y’all, Happy Christmas Eve! I need to finish laundry so when my better half is home in a few hours we will have something to wear to this evening’s soirée, and finish getting ready myself! We wish you all the Merriest of Christmases! May God rain down His blessings on you all!

Much Love,

Pier & Craig


A Shortie But Goodie…

I hope this post finds all of you returning from wonderful Thanksgivings! As said before, it was no fun being apart on our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, but we are lucky enough to have amazing family and friends who helped make it a very special holiday!

Pier with her parents and brother. Thanksgiving 2012

Our dear friend, Jill, traveled to Green Bay, WI for the holiday to visit her sister’s family….and she was kind enough to ask my sweet husband if he wanted to share Turkey Day with them! Craig was actually able to be on the road, and at the same time able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal that truly embraced the entire meaning of the day itself: Family, Friends, Thankfulness, Generosity, & Delicious Food. 🙂 Thank you so much to Jill & her amazing family!

Well, I’m heading home from work to see my husband now! (See, I told you this one would be short and sweet!)

Y’all have a great night!


Pier & Craig



The Parable Of The Ten Gold Coins

Today’s Gospel (Click Me)

Good Morning Loves!

Craig and I have been trying to be pretty consistent with meditating on and reading the Daily Readings, and today’s gospel (with the link and reflection above) struck a chord I have spoken about in a previous post. It also is a great reading to reflect on in light of this season of giving thanks.

God has provided each of us with so many gifts and blessings. More often than not, we all focus on the negative things in our lives and forget about the wonderful aspects. This Thanksgiving, let’s make a return on our ‘investments’ – use the gifts God has blessed us with and thank Him for all He has done.

Will we show God our gratitude for His blessings or will we hide those blessing away, as if we are ashamed?

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s big list of THANKSGIVING from Craig & I!

Love Y’all!

Pier & Craig


A Week of Giving Thanks

This past weekend C & I traveled to MN for Marty & Danielle’s wedding – the newest Newlywed Lefebvres. 🙂 It was a beautiful ceremony, and it gave us both a chance to listen to and recommit to those same vows we took two months ago.

A beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple! We thoroughly enjoyed our entire weekend! It was wonderful to visit with family – especially since we won’t be back up for Thanksgiving!

And then I got to thinking…Ugh. Craig has to work on Thanksgiving. Of course. Bleh. And started feeling sorry for myself…And then, I started thinking of all we have to be thankful for…and what Thanksgiving really is all about…and while we can’t be together on this special day, we can still share our thanks – and I have a big list coming for y’all in celebration of the Nationwide Gobble!

Today, on the Tuesday before our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and in celebration of Marty & Dani’s love, Craig and I are thankful that God led us to one another. And as I said, the bigger list is coming for Turkey Day!

Have you sat down and thought about, no matter how bleak life looks at this particular moment, the long list YOU have to be thankful for?

Lots of Love,

Pier & Craiger 😉 (And a special shout-out to our dear French Dip!)