What's Up Wednesday

Pilgrims & Pillow Fights

wordless wednesday

Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Y’all!

Today, you should be very thankful because I come bearing few words! 🙂 On this day before Turkey Day, we are sharing some pictures of what we have been up to.

If you read yesterday’s post, you know we traveled to Plymouth, Massachusetts to really get into the spirit of Thanksgiving. Not only were we able to see Plymouth Rock & the Mayflower II, we also ventured upon the National Monument to Our Forefathers – which was absolutely breathtaking:

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It was a stark reminder, through everything going on in our country today, of the principles our great nation was actually founded upon…

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We had a lot of fun, and I strongly recommend visiting Plymouth, MA!

Remember us telling you we had a Youth Ministry Lock-In a few weeks ago? Well, we finally recovered enough from the night of NO sleep to share the photos:

wpid-20141115_204729.jpgwpid-20141115_213658.jpg wpid-20141115_204144.jpg wpid-20141115_200243.jpg wpid-20141115_201121.jpgIn other YM news, this past weekend, we held the Christmas Craft Fair, at which our youth group manned the “Wisemen’s Treasure Chest”… We raised $444 (yes, really – if you read this blog regularly, you’ll know why that makes us smile!) for our group!!



Well, we are settling in for the day… A Nor’Easter is heading through and it has been SNOWING all day!

wpid-20141126_132634.jpg wpid-20141126_124614.jpg wpid-20141126_132624.jpg wpid-20141126_132534.jpg wpid-20141126_132519.jpgThese are some shots from earlier this morning…So excited for snow and snow with my husband HOME!!! Yay!

snugglesFrom our little family (minus Craig who is behind the camera, and Miss Daisy who is most likely under the bed snoozing) to yours, Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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A Thanksgiving Buffet


Can you believe Thanksgiving is in TWO DAYS?!? I know we can’t! Time just flies, doesn’t it!?! Seems like yesterday we were sweating to death in our air condition-less apartment, and now, they are predicting six inches of snow tomorrow evening! Where did the autumn go?

We definitely have a ton to be thankful for this year – more than I could ever record in a blog post! One of the items on our thankful last is for great friends – new and old. Since moving 1200 miles from our Georgia friends to a brand-new place, we have been so blessed to discover those who have stuck by our sides in this crazy adventure, and new friends who have made us feel more than welcome but at home here.

So today we thank our friends: Georgians, Mainers, Minnesotans, and everyone in between! And to show our appreciation of your love, we have two AWESOME discounts for you, plus a really interesting set of Thanksgiving recipes from across the country!

Carseat Canopy

Go to carseatcanopy.com and use the following code: 5F306D00A
This gives.you $50 off your order, making the canopy cover free! You just pay shipping!


Go to Uddercovers.com and use the code 3625DD37C for $35 off! This makes most of the options free! You’ll just pay shipping!

Even if you don’t have a new child this year, maybe you’re planning for the future, or maybe you are looking for a great Christmas gift for some new parents in your life… Both of the above sites have some great products for all things baby!

Thanksgiving From Around The U.S.


Click the link above for the coolest article from the New York Times! They have a Thanksgiving recipe for every state in the country, plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C.! Of course, Maine shares a recipe having to do with lobster, so you have to check it out! Yum!

Well, folks…we are posting early today because we have a special outing planned: We are heading to Plymouth Rock for some fun and a history lesson! Have a wonderful day!



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Food For Thought Friday

All That Matters


Whoop whoop! We’ve made it to Friday!!! For me, this means that after tonight, I get my husband back at home for the rest of the month, and I can’t wait!!

Now, before I get ready to head to either Boston, Manchester (NH), or just up the road to Portland to pick him up, I wanted to share a little food for thought with you:

Click this Picture For Your Food For Thought!

Now, I don’t know about your political views or stances, and those are your business – not mine, but while the gentleman pictured above, Glenn Beck, can be a controversial political figure, he is also a human, created by God – just like the rest of us.

When I read the above article (You can get there by clicking on the photo!) a few days ago, I wasn’t struck by anything political, I was struck by the awesome power of God. His healing and His guidance is available to each and everyone of us – if we open our hearts and allow Him inside! It’s that simple.

Doctors may tell us it’s all over. Family & friends may say quietly to themselves we are looney tunes. But the fact of the matter is, it’s all irrelevant. What really matters –  The Only Thing That Matters At All – is what our Lord says.

And have you ever stopped and thought, where we would all be if the only one we listened to or followed was Him?

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Thirsty For Christ Thursday

Let’s Be Honest…


Let’s be honest here.

Living a Christ-centered life isn’t easy.

I promise you that if I had my way things would look a lot different in my life. I probably would have said “FORGET THIS!” whole thing about waiting on God and His timing for a child a long while ago, and taken matters into my own hands. I probably would have chosen the big, fancy house we were looking at in Georgia, instead of the teensy, third-floor apartment 1,200+ miles away from either of our families. I probably would have chosen to continue working in a WELL-PAYING job so we could buy our groceries at Whole Foods and our clothes from Nordstrom, instead of at Wal-Mart and GoodWill.

But…God tells us to live otherwise. He calls us to live in Faith.

Get out your Bible this instant and read with me Hebrews 11. {God, specifically, just said to me-just now, “Look at verse 11:11.” If your know our Jonah story, you know that 11:11 is significant for Craig and I. If you don’t know our story, watch and listen here. Read verse 11:11 – Oh my goodness, right??? Goosebumps. Make that Godbumps. }

Thank you, Jesus.

But back to Hebrews 11. This entire chapter is subtitled “Faith In Action”, and that is how we, as Christians, are called to live our lives. “Faith In Action” should be your subtitle!

Hebrews 11 

Faith In Action

11 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

This is just the first verse, but already we can see how to live the life to which Christ calls us: by faith. You see, it is faith that tells me God is in control and that Craig and I will be parents. That God doesn’t need our help for that to happen. It is faith that reminds me, as I sometimes sit and think wistfully of our family and friends so far away, that we were called here for a purpose. It is faith that assures me that even though we aren’t able to live a lifestyle rich in things of this world, we DO have a life RICH in Jesus.

Let’s be honest. This Christian life isn’t easy. Sometimes it isn’t pleasant. Sometimes it doesn’t go the way we want.  But remembering our life is not our own, helps to put things in perspective. Remind yourself each day – Not my own will, Father, but YOURS, be done.

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Busy With A Capital Zzzzzzzzz…


As you all know, Craig and I have a very limited number of relaxing weeks and weekends, and in that regard,  nothing has been remotely out of the ordinary!


In the midst of getting to know our new stomping grounds, we have also kept busy with my Youth Ministry. A few weeks ago, we sang “Revelation Song” at Mass, and rounded out the day by volunteering at a local assisted living facility, and various other acts of service.


I am blessed with a great group of teens! Last week, we meet for a Pizza & Devotion Night at a local restaurant, and it was so cool to have a discussion about faith right in the midst of a busy and crowded restaurant.


As a matter of fact, this weekend, we will be hosting an overnight teen lock-in with another church…We better start resting NOW! 🙂

We also recently made a trek down to Georgia for what seemed like the flash off an eye! I drove down with the pups and was able to meet my best friend’s sweet and beautiful daughter, Willa:


I spent a relaxing afternoon of catching up and manicures with a dear friend in Atlanta:


And Craig and I both were able to spend some meaningful time with family…so meaningful we didn’t even stop and think of taking any pictures! :-\

After taking Craig back to the airport in Atlanta for work, the furs and I made the JOURNEY back to Maine…in ONE stretch! Thanks to our awesomely fuel efficient car, I only stopped once for diesel!

And since our return and my opportunity to speak at the Maine Catholic Women’s Conference last weekend, we have resumed our usual frenetic pace!

Well, back to that busy schedule we go! I have some crafts to make for this weekend’s lock-in, and presumably, a nap to take!

So, what keeps YOU busy? We’d love to hear! 🙂 Can’t wait to talk to you again tomorrow!

Pier & Craig

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TTC Tuesday

A Speech I Was Speechless About

TuesdayFor those of you who know us well, you know that after this past weekend, we have such a praise to the Lord, such a ‘Thank You Jesus’ kind of Tuesday! As I continually remind the teens in my youth group, the story God gives you – His miraculous work in your life, is meant to be shared for His glory. Having a blog that reaches over 400 people with every post is an awesome platform for sharing, to be sure, but being able to reach an additional 240 women who may never have otherwise come across our humble blog, is quite another reason for praise!

Several weeks ago – weeks that I was absent from blogging – yes, I know – I was approached, completely out-of-the-blue (to my mind), and asked to give my testimony at the Maine Catholic Women’s Conference. What?!? Wow!

Craig & I have complete faith that God called us to Maine for a reason – but He really works FAST! We’ve only been here since the end of August, and already He has placed the opportunity, the sheer blessing in front of me to share His Mysterious Ways in my life through a large public forum! Really and truly, from the moment I was asked to speak, I was speechless.

So, without further ado, Craig and I have prepared a video of my testimony to share with you! There is about a minute of the talk missing, due to some technical difficulties, but if you’re really interested in the missing piece, send me a message and I’ll forward the full audio clip to you.

Psalm 115

1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
    but to your name goes all the glory
    for your unfailing love and faithfulness.

I encourage all of you to write your story. When you hear from God, make a note of it, and discover His miraculous ways at work in your own life!People often stop me and say, “I wish God spoke to me in the way He speaks to you…”

My reply:

Matthew 7:7-12 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. “You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?

Have a beautiful day! Check back in tomorrow for What’s Up Wednesday!

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