Thirsty For Christ Thursday

The Long-Awaited Promise: Fulfilled

{This post is dedicated to my precious grandmother, Florence, since she ‘so loves’ reading this blog. Merry Christmas, Grandma!}


I cannot stand waiting. As a matter of fact, I sometimes drive 10+ miles out of the way for the sole purpose of avoiding traffic and stoplights. When it came to ‘waiting’ on a husband, by the time Craig finally showed up when I was 28 years old, I was about to throw in the towel. And the most difficult waiting of all? Jonah.


Still, after more than three years of praying and hoping, we are awaiting the arrival of our child – Jonah Elizabeth. (See the story HERE.) At times, it seems as though God’s promise will never come to fruition. At other times, we both feel that Jonah is closer than ever.  But the waiting – well, it never gets any easier.

Three and (almost) a half years is a long time…Or at least it seems that way until you compare it with how long the Jewish people had to wait for their promised Savior:


“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of you will come for me
one who will be ruler over Israel,
whose origins are from of old,
from ancient times.” Micah 5:2 NIV

That was prophesied about 700 years before the birth of Jesus! Talk about a long wait!

But it was a long wait that was well worth it. And over and over again, throughout the Old Testament, the Lord reaffirms His coming through the prophets:

2 Samuel 7:16
King David’s throne would be established forever

Daniel 9:24-26
Daniel predicted when an anointed one would be rejected

Deuteronomy 18:15-18
God promised another prophet like Moses

Genesis 22:18
The Messiah would be a descendant of Abraham

Genesis 49:10
The Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah

Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah foreshadowed the virgin birth of Jesus

Isaiah 9:6-7
There would be a son called God

Isaiah 11:1-10
Nations would seek the counsel of Jesse’s descendant

Isaiah 35:4-6
He would perform miracles

Isaiah 40:1-5,9
The Messiah would be preceded by a messenger

Isaiah 42:1-9
The Messiah would be a light to Gentiles

Isaiah 49:6
God’s salvation would reach the ends of the earth

Isaiah 50:6
Jesus was spat upon and beaten

Isaiah 53:1-3
The Messiah would be rejected

Isaiah 53:4-6
God’s servant would die for our sins

Isaiah 53:7
God’s servant would be silent before his accusers

Isaiah 53:9
God’s servant would be buried in a rich man’s tomb

Isaiah 53:12
God’s servant would be “numbered with the transgressors”

Isaiah 61:1-2
Isaiah foreshadows the ministry of Jesus

Jeremiah 23:5
The Messiah would be a descendant of King David

And that is merely a smattering of instances of Messianic prophecy from the Old Testament!!

The Lord reaffirmed His promise of a Savior, His Son, for many, many years before that promise was fulfilled…and now, here we sit – more than 2000 years after the birth of Christ, saved.


Just as early Christians used the symbol of the ichthus to show their faith, we can use the traditional colors of the Christmas season as a reminder of the true meaning of this beautiful holiday.


Red – the color of blood; Jesus’ death on the cross to save the world from sin.

Green – the color of life; The eternal life gained for us by our Savior’s death on the cross.

“…When we see the bright colors of winter decorations, we can remind ourselves and each other of the true meaning of Christmas. In this season, …[we] celebrate God so loving the world that He gave His only Son to us in human form (John 3:16-17; 1:14). In that way, Jesus could know and suffer all that we do, yet [doing so]without sin (Hebrews 4:15). He died for all our sins as the perfect sacrifice, reconciling sinners with a holy and just God, so that all who ask for forgiveness of their sin and turn to Him can have eternal life (2 Corinthians 5:4, 18-19; Hebrews 2:17).” -Saved By Grace Bible Study

Whatever it is you might be in a season of waiting for right now, know that all the promises of the Lord are well worth the wait – even if it is more than 700 years. (Please, Lord, don’t make us wait 700 years for Jonah!!!! 😉 )

 This Christmas, keep the true celebration  in your heart – the long-awaited birth of the Messiah, our precious Savior, who was, and is, well worth the wait.


Have a beautiful and very Merry Christmas, y’all!

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TTC Tuesday

What Is Your Whale?


Thank you, Jesus, indeed, as always!!

And this time, thanks to all of YOU! Your letters, e-mails, texts and phone calls have been so sweet!! It’s comforting to know that our being M.I.A. from the blogosphere this past week didn’t go unnoticed! 🙂

We are happy to report that nothing is awry, we are just busy and were a little under the weather from the end of last week through the weekend. And when I say busy, I mean BUSY! Busy as in I have been at my desk since 7:45AM and have only gotten up once, to fill my coffee cup. Busy as in as I was making my page-long to-do list, three more e-mails arrived to add to that list.

And it isn’t just work, we are involved in so much, and very thankfully & happily so. There just aren’t enough hours in the DAY,  let alone WEEK to accomplish everything needing to be done! And while we are blessed with my ‘job’ and the income it provides for our family, that’s really all it is. A job. Not a career. It’s a means to an end until we meet Jonah Elizabeth face-to-face.  Or at least, it was

Things are beginning to change at the Lefebvre household, folks, and we will have a teeny-tiny snippet of just what that means tomorrow! But for today…

let’s focus on our infertility journey and remembering to thank Him for His ever fertile faithfulness.

Two Sundays ago, Pastor Alan spoke about Jonah. Now, we at The Newlywed Lefebvres certainly know the story of Jonah and the whale – right? Or do we…actually?

Read Jonah 1 – 4.

The story of Jonah shows a prophet of God running from His Will. Now, certainly, this is something none of us have ever done. Right? 🙂 Nope. Not relatable in the least… Ha.

Jonah ran from what God asked him to do, and then he got caught up in a very horrible storm. Again…not familiar at all, right? 🙂

He was thrown overboard by the sailors on the boat with him, sure he was about to die.

But God sent a big fish – a marlin, a tuna, a WHALE…

…not to EAT Jonah…not to harm Jonah…not to hurt Jonah…

God sent the whale to Jonah to SAVE him and to redirect him on God’s chosen course for his life!

Wow, huh? That’s a different way of looking at things… and it made me and Craig take a step back and think.

Our infertility has been our whale.

God used this season in our lives to bring us back to Him, and to work for His Kingdom. To truly discover Him and who we are in Him, as His children. He is using our story to bring others to Him. It is truly a miracle…and how apropos that our little miracle will be named Jonah. 🙂

What is something that might be (or might have been) the whale God placed or saved you with in your life?


Thinking of our trials in a whole new light may bring God’s Will for your life into the light, as well. 🙂

Until Tomorrow,
signature heart


TTC Tuesday

Children Of The King


As you all know, or probably know, Craig and I have been patiently waiting on God for a child for exactly:


After what seemed to have been forever, we heard from the Holy Spirit concerning our future child, and we are so very thankful, expectant and thrilled for little Jonah Elizabeth to arrive!! I can’t tell you how many people during the past month have told us she’s going to be here sooner than we felt! It’s been unbelievably amazing to realize that the Lord hasn’t spoken only to Craig and I, but to those around us, as well!! How awesome is our God!?!?!

Thinking about our future little angel made me examine more closely who she will be and who I am in Christ.


 Gill’s Exposition Of The Entire Bible (a comprehensive Bible commentary) says this:  “…akin to God, he being their Father, and they his children by adopting grace, and which was made manifest by their new birth; and also akin to Christ, he being their head, husband, Father, and brother, and they his members, spouse, children, and brethren…”

“His children by adopting grace” – how BEAUTIFUL is that?!? The One who breathed the world – and the stars! – into existence adopted us as His Children, even though we aren’t good enough, or thankful enough, or faithful enough. He chose us.

Baby Jonah isn’t even here yet, and Craig mentioned the other day that he just loves her so much – he can’t even imagine the love he will feel for her once she makes her grand arrival! That love? The love a parent has for his child…The amount of that love is outrageous. Most parents will tell you they had no clue until they held their child in their arms how much they were capable of loving.

But take that amount and multiply it by infinity.

That’s just beginning to skim the surface of how much God loves His children.

Ephesians 2:4-7

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Our Father in Heaven love US so very much that He allowed His Son to die in our place. Really. Think about that for a second. As a parent. As a future parent. As someone who knows love. He allowed His very own Son to die a criminal’s death, not just a peaceful death in his sleep…but a tortuous, death-row slaughtering. Can you even imagine? That’s how much He loves us. He allowed that for His own Son. To save US.

That’s the LOVE of our Heavenly Father.

Embrace that amazing love, and consider what a special gift He gives when He blesses us with children.

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TTC Tuesday




You may or may not have seen this verse posted on our Facebook page this morning. The Holy Spirit has been guiding us to read a selection of devotions from the devotional by John MacArthur called “Drawing Near”, and the devotion for yesterday – which didn’t get read until today… 🙂 led me to the verse above.

It’s amazing how the Lord will direct you if you allow Him.

We have been through ups and downs and trials and tribulations over our lack of a child. This time last year, I didn’t go more than a day or two without crying and sobbing and feeling depressed about not being able to give my sweet husband a baby…This year we are rejoicing in the joy of the Lord.

Baby Jonah already has a blanket and several sweet little outfits at home. As soon as we have finally moved into our new home, we will begin working on her nursery. The Lord has brought us a promise and such happiness in the faith and knowledge of His plans for our little family.

James 1:5

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

The song below (which you will need to watch within a browser) describes the joy of the Lord and the grace He provides so well: “Exceeding Joy” – Hillsong

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TTC Tuesday

Tears of Joy


I spent a majority of Mother’s Day evening in tears.

Do I doubt God? Do I doubt Jonah Elizabeth’s introduction into our little family?

Not one little bit.

But the enemy is trying – hard.

I am a redeemed child of the Most High God. He died a criminal’s death to forgive me for every single sin that I have committed. He protects me and He loves me – unconditionally.

Does that sound like someone who would constantly remind you of all your failures and regrets and hurts?

Does that sound like someone who would repeatedly say you aren’t good enough?

I used to think God was punishing me by not giving us a child – but that isn’t how He operates. That voice of doubt and fear and sadness and regret – That isn’t God!

When those thoughts pop into your mind, push them away and have FAITH in the God who loves you as the child of His you are. He doesn’t break His promises, and He doesn’t throw things back in your face.

Little Jonah will be here just as He promised. And the only tears I have to cry are those of joy from being loved by the King and Creator of the Universe.

Keep the faith – and remember the character of our Creator!


Thirsty For Christ Thursday

A Whale Of A Tale


Happy Thank You Jesus Tuesday!

By now, I hope you have all watched our vlog from last week… If not, watch it here and the rest of the post will make more sense to you. 🙂

Craig and I have completely surrendered our fertility to God, and everything that goes with it – and if you’ve watched the vlog, you know that included our long held onto “baby girl name” of Olivia Florence. We are excited to one day welcome into our home and family a little girl named Jonah Elizabeth! What a blessing total surrender to our Lord is!

So, we all know the story of Jonah in the Bible, right?

God asked him to do something, and Jonah was scared. He ran away and was thrown off a ship, but instead of drowning, he was saved by God and swallowed by a whale. He lived in the belly of the fish for three days (the Sign of Jonah), and was delivered by the Lord – this time deciding to obey His commands!

So, Jonah is associated with a whale…And Jonah is typically a boy’s name… and all things whale and little boy are typically blue…

But after we received our revelation from God, and shared it, in faith, with all of you, Craig and I were walking through Target this past weekend and saw these things:


Craig looked at me and said, “This is definitely an affirmation from God! We have to buy Jonah’s first blanket in faith!” and so we did:

How awesome!!! We serve such a wonderful God, and if we only ask He will respond. Never think your prayer or request is too small. Have faith in Him.

The point of the story of Jonah is that God rescues His people – and He doesn’t require earthly measures to accomplish His rescue! It doesn’t matter that doctors say I can’t ovulate on my own. It doesn’t matter that doctors don’t believe I can become pregnant without their assistance. God doesn’t rely on science and human knowledge. He created science and He operates in the supernatural.

Psalm 46:10

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

10 Let go of your concerns!
    Then you will know that I am God.
        I rule the nations.
        I rule the earth.


PS – Don’t forget about Love On Purpose Week! Today is Intentional Kindness Day! Do something for someone else! #loveonpurpose


TTC Tuesday

Head In The Clouds


Beginning today, we invite you to join us on a journey – A journey toward Heavenly thoughts and things.

Colossians 3:2

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

If we are constantly focused on our blessings yet to come, are we fulfilling our full potential here on Earth? Rather, if we are constantly thanking the Lord for all He has blessed us with, we are happier, and we are trusting in Him and in His timing.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

We need only to continually pray and thank God for His blessings – praying for His Will to be done – and wait in His Presence.

I’m telling y’all. God is totally transforming our lives – from the inside / out – and it’s all because we are focused on living in His Presence.

{View This In A Browser To Watch My Vlog Video Below}
