What's Up Wednesday

Status Quo?


Finally! The middle of the work week! We’ve made it!

So how has your week been thus far?

If you read our post yesterday, you know ours has been a whirlwind. We haven’t stopped and it doesn’t look like stopping is in sight any time in the near future!

Have you ever looked at your life and thought, “If only I had known then what I know now!!!!”? We all have. But do we ever do anything about rectifying our situation, or do we accept what is as the status quo?

That’s how I have been feeling as of late. My job is just a job, and while I am/we are very involved with church and very active in all we take on, I just don’t feel fulfilled in my career life. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband so much, I pinch myself every morning to make sure I’m not living in a fairy tale. Our church (and our church family) are amazing and really do feel like family. The singles ministry we have begun with another (awesome) couple at FullTurn is going to impact our community in a way I can’t even begin to fathom!


I don’t feel like my brain ever gets to turn on.

I want to be CHALLENGED and I want to LEARN again! I enjoyed my first go-round of college a little too much, and attended classes a little less often than I should have. I have my Bachelor’s degree, but it isn’t in an area I feel fulfilled with…

And so when Craig asked me what would make me happy the other day…

I told him, “Going back to school. For real this time. To learn.”

And he, being the amazing husband that he issaid YES.

So, after WANTING and HOPING to do this for YEARS, but never being brave enough to pull the trigger; Never being confident enough to go after my dreams; Never having the follow-through to take the leap…

We registered me for my first class.

I am going to start off slowly. I still have a full-time job. I still have a ton of other responsibilities.

But I’m doing this.

August 6th, 2014. Get ready.

Prayers Please!

signature heart

Food For Thought Friday

Cry Me A River


Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!!!!!!

For Food For Thought Friday, we do have something certainly thought-provoking, and interestingly enough, having to do with this week’s posts involving tears. There are all sorts of occasions to cry…SAD times, HAPPY times, ANXIOUS times… But did you realize that it isn’t only the occasion for tearing up that changes, but also the tears, as well!?!?!?

Click here for an article that tells you all about it.

What’s most interesting to me is that this is just another indication we aren’t here by some random sonic boom! Science proves the existence of God over and over again! You can’t tell me it is by chance that the tears we cry for different reasons have completely different chemical compositions!!!

That’s just how AWESOME God is!!!! We are His by DESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Friday All!


What's Up Wednesday

Merry Christmas from the Newlywed Lefebvres


We wish you and your families a very merry, joyous, healthy and safe Christmas! God blessed us with a wonderful visit to Minnesota, along with a truly beautiful “white Christmas” of snow and below freezing temperatures!


May your Christmas be just as magical!

All Our Love,


Posted from WordPress for Android


Two Years Ago Today…

Good Morning Everyone!

Today is a very special day indeed! Two years ago, on this very day, at this very time, I must have been sitting at my desk at RB Management, poring over magazine pictures and talking with my friends at the office…Trying to decide what I was going to wear for a VERY special date I had that evening. A first date. A first date with the man who turned out to be my husband.

One year ago on this day, I had received a (what appeared at the time to be) very odd package delivered to me at the office…It contained a CD of special songs…a sweet letter…and another envelope I wasn’t allowed to open yet. I left work early for a doctor’s appointment, and afterwards watched a DVD of our past year together with Craig and then went to get ready for our Anniversary Date, only to be met with beautiful flowers and an AMAZING proposal.

Two years ago today my life changed forever, and one year ago today, it changed even MORE and for the absolute best! Happy two year anniversary of our first date, and one year anniversary of the day you asked me to be your wife, Craig! I love you!

One Year Ago Today!
One Year Ago Today!


It’s the first of these years we have not been able to be together, but such is the life of a pilot’s wife! I am, however, able to enjoy this Holy Thursday with the adorable Miss Daisy, and her sister Lucy – both babies are napping and so I finally had a chance to write this blog!

The Girls
The Girls

In other recent news, the draperies are (halfway) completed! 1: We misplaced, and JUST found the return for the other window, and 2: Craig has to be here to thread the bobbin on my sewing machine… SO (or SEW ha ha ha), I did the first panel with stitchwitchery to try and surprise my hubby a few weeks ago with completed draperies… BUT it took almost 4 hours to finish one panel, and my sewing machine just would not allow me to thread it…When C got home, he threaded the bobbin and the second panel was completed while he washed the car with Lucy (fun for him! lol), but then we couldn’t find the return for the 2nd window in our bedroom…So, one window – two panels – are complete!

Draperies DraperiesI’ll try another picture where you can better see the entire window treament soon. I’m not sure why, but the flash on my camera made everything look blue…Oh, well, at least my side of the room is darkened – which means Lucy doesn’t wake up with the roosters, as she did BEFORE the drapes…Whew! 🙂 I really love the wa the window turned out! Craig’s cornice board, made with shims and leftover finish from the refurbishment of our  dresser, plus these draperies, against the deep blue accent wall, really do a lot for our bedroom!

We have ANOTHER new addition in our home, as well: “Alfred”.

Alfred AlfredThe cow rug! :-)If you are in the design world, this rug is a Safavieh! Pricewise, we STOLE it! If you know my husband at all, you know two things: First, he is not likely to pay a lot of money for a rug…Especially one that is solely for decoration. But also, he has a thang for cows and all things farm. “Alfred” (along with the cow print I gave him for Christmas) really makes a statement in our den! Both we AND our girls just love it!

If you haven’t been over in awhile…ahem….please come and visit SOON! You must see all the changes that have turned this once-bachelor pad into our little family’s home!

Little Lucifer Lucy has been growing like a WEED – or maybe faster!

Baby LucyThat was the day we brought her home. This is the other day:

Big Girl!She has discovered a new walking trail, which is DEFINITELY her favorite! The only downside is the 20 minute drive to reach it, along with the fact it is FIVE MILES LONG. You certainly have to carve out a large portion of your day to be able to indulge her!

Walking with DaddyThere are plenty of opportunities for her to get into trouble, considering this is a true nature trail. Yesterday she dove right into a creek that runs alongside the trail, and desperately attempted to catch a fish – which was actually just a floating leaf, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her. Three hours and a 20 minute car ride home later:

Well Worth ItThis was MY reward! The 5 mile walk is MORE than worth it! 🙂

Craig and I celebrated 6 months of marriage a few weeks ago:

Perfect Six Months!And these truly have been the best six months of my life. Hands Down. Without Question! And so, on that note, let me say that we were overjoyed to celebrate the marriage of two more of our dear friends this past weekend: Ashley and JW (or John, or P. Diddy???? Not sure WHAT to call him after the speeches we heard at the rehearsal dinner…) 🙂 It is wonderful to be able to welcome another set of our friends into the bliss and journey that is marriage! Congratulations Ash & J! We wish you all the happiness!!

Ashley Well, I must go! Lucy needs a walk, I need to finish my Bible Study, and then I have to get ready for our parish’s Holy Thursday service! Being in the choir has been SUCH a blessing!

We wish you all the best, and send you all of our love.

In Christ,

Pier & Craig




Experiencing God

Good Afternoon Everyone!

This has been just a whirlwind of a week thus far! I can’t believe it’s only Thursday – Feels like it should already be Monday again…But we can’t skip over the weekend, can we? 🙂

Sunday morning both Craig and I sang with the choir at Mass! Yes! My husband surprised me and absolutely made my YEAR by telling me he wanted to serve God in song with me!

My Awesome Husband In The Vest I Bought Him For Valentine's
My Awesome Husband In The Vest I Bought Him For Valentine’s

Tuesday afternoon I gave notice at my current office job, and my last day is March 5th! Craig and I aren’t positive what the next step will be, but we both know we made the right decision together when we chose for me to leave my high stress job. As with everything, we are praying for God’s Will to guide us in the right direction. He brought Craig and I together; He led us to an amazing new church parish; and He will lead us in the perfect path for what I’ll do next. Keep us in your prayers that we will have the strength to listen to Him for His guidance.

Crazy LoveWe also began our Lenten Bible Study (via the phone) last night! We chose “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby. Just in going over the Preface and Introduction together, I feel like we really got something out of it. There are many opportunities to refer back to the Bible and we had some wonderful discussions over what was said. You’ll have to check it out for yourself. I know God is leading us on the right path and you can never have TOO strong a relationship with Christ. The study is all about that relationship, and being more of a Christian than just attending church on Sunday mornings. I can’t wait to go over the first part of Chapter 1 this evening! Hopefully, our little devil dog angel puppy doesn’t make that too difficult. 🙂

Last Saturday night, Craig and I attended one of the FINAL showers for our dear friends Ashley and JW….It was a great get together, and I just can’t tell them enough how HAPPY we are for them! Ashley and I are lucky girls for sure! 🙂

ASJ ShowerTheir wedding is just over a month away! Eeeek!!! Such an exciting time!! I remember it well…It was just over 5 months ago for Craig and I!!! As we pulled out of the driveway after the shower, we both looked at each other and said, “SO GLAD WE ARE MARRIED NOW and are done with the planning and parties!!!” You’re almost there, Ash and JW!!! You can finally just relax and enjoy being husband and wife…and making grocery lists, and paying bills, and taking out the trash, and doing laundry… 🙂 LOL – Seriously, it is all AMAZING when you marry your soulmate and best friend! I speak from experience.

Well, it’s time for me to relish in the last few bits of dictation I get to do here at RB&Co. No tears. I promise. 🙂

Love Y’all,

Pier & Craig