My Choice Monday



See? I told you we would return! My my my, this move to Maine has been DRAINING!!! Wonderful – but DRAINING!! As a matter of fact, I’m still in need of volunteers to help organize and unpack…Any takers?

More about our lives as Maine-iacs on Wednesday, but today, let’s get down to the nitty gritty – The CORE of today’s blog, so to speak…Today, it’s all about JUICING! (Anyone catch the food/texture humor?? 🙂 ) Catch the video below for our take on juicing, and why we love it so much:

Grandma & Mama Dee – If you’re watching, just click the title of the blog in your e-mail (at the top, where it says “Juicy!”), and you’ll be re-directed to the video! If you have any questions, call me and I’ll walk you through it! 🙂

Here’s the ingredient list for my juice, in case you missed it:

Pier’s Groovy Green Juice

  • 2 small yellow apples
  • 1 bunch fresh kale
  • Several ‘stalks’ of broccoleaf
  • About 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • 5 small radishes
  • Fresh mint, to taste
  • 1 scoop chia seed
  • 1 green bell pepper

Seriously. This may sound off-putting, but this juice is EASY to drink and delicious!! The amount above easily makes 2 juice servings – one for now and one to replace your next meal!

If you’re interested in our juicer, here is the one we purchased:

The Mega OH Mega

And… here are some great juicing recipes to get you started:

ReBoot With Joe

Until tomorrow, folks!

signature heart

My Choice Monday

Restored By The Master


Better late than never, right? 🙂

Today, we are sharing a beautiful devotional from one of our favorites, Our Daily Bread.

Our Lord calls us to become RENEWED and RESTORED, to turn from our old lifestyle to follow Him! And trust us when we tell you, His restoration is miraculous…and I feel like that’s a ridiculous understatement!

If you enjoyed this devotion, be sure to check out Our Daily Bread in our sidebar. They have a great FREE app, as well, with included reminders to spend time with God! Not that any of us forget…right? 🙂

Have a great night all!
Pier & Craig, straight from our kitchen tonight to your computer screen

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