Thirsty For Christ Thursday

Waiting On Him: What To Do?


Waiting. Not one of my favorite things. And really, is it anyone’s?


But, as we mentioned in yesterday’s post, currently, we are in a season of waiting on the Lord…So, I thought I’d talk a little bit today about what exactly that means…

Joyce Meyer explains waiting on God well when she tells us:

Once we’ve asked God to answer a question or solve a problem, we need to be eagerly awaiting His answer. We need to be serving actively, aggressively and expectantly. When our hearts are eager to hear from God, He loves to rush in suddenly with His solution. In many cases this waiting period actually serves as a time of preparation for the answer. If God answered right away, many of us would be ill-prepared to handle His solution.

Sometimes we find ourselves in such horrible messes that it’s hard to imagine waiting one more second. But we need to keep waiting on God and trusting Him with a sweet and simple faith. Then, in a way we never could’ve figured out—God moves suddenly!

When waiting on the answer to a prayer or for a promise to be fulfilled, I feel that so much of the ‘waiting room’ is about how you use your time. Waiting expectantly rather than passively is key.

Many examples in the Bible show expectant waiting, and the subsequent reward of answered prayer from the Lord: Hannah’s continuous prayer for a child; Paul & Silas praying and praising God in the midst being held in a jail cell; and Noah building the ark in expectation of the promised floodwaters – just to name a few.


In our time(s) of waiting, Craig and I have certainly fostered stronger relationships with the Lord – both individually and together. We have tried to serve Him by serving others. We have spread His Word, and continue to focus on putting Him first in everything we do. We have delved into reading and studying the Word. And above all, we have prayed.

Is it, perhaps, the case that our waiting on Him – yours and ours – is often more about developing our relationship with God than our answered prayer or promise being delayed?

Caroline MacInnes wrote an article several years ago for Boundless.Org, with this to say about how beautiful the Lord’s waiting room can be:

Somewhere in The Meantime, God changed my theme verse from “How long, oh, Lord?” to “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19, ESV). And I literally went to the desert of West Texas to find that “new thing.” I attended graduate school to study what I loved, mentored kids, traveled overseas, and overall, developed a fresh vision of God’s plan for my life…

…Each of us can choose how we spend our days, but God’s wish for us is clear: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

satan loves to discourage us in our time of waiting…but as the first part of John 10:10 reads, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” Jesus is the one who came to bring us LIFE. And He doesn’t call us to live it out in front of the tv or with a box of tissues. He calls us to live BOLDLY for His glory – both in the waiting, and out. Don’t let the enemy bog you down by stealing your joy, killing your faith and destroying your opportunity! Use your waiting time wisely!

2 Timothy 1:6-7 ESV 

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Hebrews 13:6 ESV 

So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”


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Thirsty For Christ Thursday

How Much Faith Do We Have?




As Christians (as humans, really), we have a decision to make: our way or His.

Are we going to make decisions based solely on our desires or will we wait on our Lord to direct our steps? True surrender to God takes TRUE FAITH that God is The Supreme, Our All In All, The Lord of Our Lives. Is that the kind of faith we live with on a daily basis? Do we make our decisions and take our steps based on His Word or our whim?

Hebrews 11 is known as a text of the Bible that truly describes how to live a life of faith. (I urge you to read and study the whole chapter on your own. It’s powerful, friends.)

Hebrews 11:1-3

 Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God.  Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God’s command. We also know that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.

FAITH makes us sure. Faith is confidence in God and in our total surrender to Him. And here, is also explained the difference between HOPE and FAITH. We don’t HOPE in God. We have FAITH in Him. “Faith makes us sure of what we hope for…” Hebrews 11:1a

The difference is this – Faith supersedes hope. Noah didn’t build his ark at God’s command because he HOPED it would rain. I seriously doubt he would have spent longer than the average person’s LIFE SPAN to build a huge boat on dry land based on something he only hinged HOPE on. Noah must have been 150%+ sure The Flood would come.

And THAT is the kind of faith we need to have.

Matthew 17:20 

Jesus replied: It is because you don’t have enough faith! But I can promise you this. If you had faith no larger than a mustard seed, you could tell this mountain to move from here to there. And it would. Everything would be possible for you.
A mustard seed. Do you realize how teeny-tiny that is??
With THAT little faith, we can command a mountain to move. I am not one who believes Jesus spoke in riddles all the time. I have faith that the Bible is literal. Unless Jesus says He is telling a parable, I have faith (not hope) that the Bible is completely true, accurate and literally written. So, when God says it only takes mustard seed-sized faith to command mountains, I begin to wonder how teeny-tiny our faith is??
If mountains are not moving in your life, you need to increase your faith! Here are three simple steps to do just that:
  1. HEAR, don’t just read silently, the Word of God.

Romans 10:17

 No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ.

2.  OBEY/LIVE OUT God’s Word, i.e. “Don’t just talk the talk; rather, walk the walk.”

James 1:22

Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it.

3.  PROVE God’s power in your life. The Lord tells us to test Him in one way – by tithing, with the first ten percent of your income.

Malachi 3:10-11

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty.

James tells us, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:2-3, NIV).

Faith. It changes everything.

signature heart


My Choice Monday

Faux-ah: Not The Story You Think


Happy Monday!

What did y’all do this weekend? Anything exciting?

We kicked things off on Saturday with a matinee showing of “Noah”. And after reading all of the hellacious reviews about it, I was not expecting much…

However, we were pleasantly surprised!

While this movie did NOT follow the story of Noah, Biblically, word-for-word, scene-for-scene, it did a few other things I speculate were completely unintentional of Hollywood in their making of this epic film:

  1. It showed the infinite power of God. Within the storyline of Faux-ah (Fake Noah 🙂 ), we see Noah realizes he is to build an ark, but the world is dead. There are no trees around. Nothing at all to build a vessel of any kind with is in sight. Once Noah turns and follows God’s instruction regardless of the lack of HOW to accomplish His will, God provides a forest for Noah. With the quickness of the snap of a finger. There, in the blink of an eye, is every piece of wood Noah could ever possibly need to build his ark. All because he had FAITH in the power of God. Did it happen exactly this way in the Bible story of Noah? Perhaps not, but it could have. Without meaning to, Hollywood showed the infinite, insurmountable power of the God we serve.
  2.  It showed that God provides. Perhaps this one and the preceding point are interchangeable, they are both noteworthy! In the movie **spoiler alert**, only 1 of Noah’s 3 sons has a wife. The other two are single and very concerned for how they will replenish the earth without wives of their own. The answer given them? God will provide. And boy, does He! That’s all I’ll say!
  3. It showed the deep flaw we have to doubt and to misunderstand as humans. Throughout much of the film, Noah misunderstands God’s direction, and even prior to that, he seems to doubt that God could have called him. He isn’t possibly good enough to take on such a task. And while many critics of this movie have pointed out that the Bible never says Noah doubted or misunderstood anything, (and they are correct) take yourself into account, in this situation. If God called you to build a boat. In the middle of what was basically a drought-ridden desert. Would you have to think on it for a moment or would you simply pick up your toolbox and get to work? Has He ever asked you to do something you just felt you weren’t good enough for? Has He ever spoken to you, and you thought, Wellllll…..maybe what He actually meant was…. ?

Romans 3:23

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

I suppose it’s up to you, ultimately. We felt that, while the movie was by no means Biblically literal, the film certainly presented a good story with a lot of Christian themes. If you go into the theatre with that in mind, perhaps you won’t leave disappointed. We definitely didn’t.

Have you seen Faux-ah Noah? What were your thoughts?

Wait, before I go today, I wanted to share this with you. I was reading my New Yorker at lunch and came across this column/article… It gave me a laugh so I thought it might bring a smile to your face, as well. 🙂 All about a girl’s “conversations” with her mobile banking app… Enjoy!

New Yorker: Mobile Banking App

Click Me – Might Be Easier To Read

Have a beautiful night, y’all!


Food For Thought Friday

The Bible In Hollywood??

Friday2When is the last time you went to the movies? With today’s technology, it hardly seems worth it to visit an actual movie theater and fork over a whole week’s pay to watch one movie, eat one scoop of popcorn and have one sip of Diet Coke…It has to be a pretty good movie…

Well, we have a GREAT movie for you! We saw it with Jenna, Craig’s youngest sister, on Christmas Eve – and for a steal – $5 per ticket, $2 off a drink purchase and a free popcorn!!! All 3 of us saw a movie, with a drink and our own popcorn, for a TOTAL of $20! Maybe that kind of a deal would make ANY movie great, but this one is a must-see (provided you’ve seen the movie “Mary Poppins” in the past, anyway):

This is actually based on the true story of the creation of the beloved Disney movie, “Mary Poppins”, and brought tears to my eyes (and Jenna’s) for sure – I can’t say the same for Craig, but I know he really enjoyed it.  😉 Click on the picture for all the information you’ll need on “Saving Mr. Banks”, then go and see it!

Here’s another movie tidbit that might interest you: Biblical Films Are Making A Hollywood Comeback . While this seems like wonderful news, and I am SO excited to see “Noah” in March 2014, as well as “Mary: Mother of Christ”, remember Isaiah 55:8 and don’t just believe everything you SEE and HEAR – especially when it is of this world. Take it all with a grain of salt, and know that Hollywood is in it for the MONEY – not for the Will of God – although, God works in miraculous and mysterious ways, and they may be doing just that, though certainly unintentionally…

For example, Brian Godawa – a Christian who is also a screenwriter in Hollywood, and who also wrote a book I recently purchased about Noah, of all people, and the Nephilim – has seen an early version of the script for the upcoming movie, “Noah”, which reveals the following:

“…It has been suggested that the film shows Noah as an early opponent of climate change. Its director, Darren Aronofsky, has called him the “first environmentalist”. 
Brian Godawa, a screenwriter, claimed to have read an early version of the script and said it portrayed a scenario in which the Great Flood was caused by man’s “disrespect” for the environment…” From The Telegraph, “Biblical films’ Hollywood Comeback”, by Nick Allen

Definitely “food for thought” on this Friday…and on that note, we leave you with pictures from our Christmas (thus far – more to come!)…

The "Kids" Jenna Mike & Mandy Marty & Dani Posing For The Cover Of Our Reality Show Silly Pose! Sisters I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Until Monday,

X’s & O’s,

What Would YOUR Book In The Bible Look Like?

Good Evening Everyone (Or Early Morning, Depending On How You Look At It),

So during our Bible Study a week or so ago, the chapter we are studying in “Experiencing God” mentioned that the Bible, as a whole, isn’t an account of the people in the Bible – like John, Peter, Ruth, Noah or Abraham, but rather is a story of God working through the lives of these people. The Bible is then an autobiography of the Lord, and the other characters throughout were vehicles through whom He worked.

This got me to thinking. Suppose Noah hadn’t built the ark, as God instructed. Suppose Noah heard God’s instruction and thought, “Ugh. It’s too hot to build an ark. I don’t even know HOW anyway! I’m not a boat builder! Plus, I have plans! I don’t have time to do this.” Or what if Mary had not said YES to God’s invitation to carry His Son?

The Bible would be a very different book if those who accepted God’s instruction had lived according to THEIR will, rather than HIS will. So, what would a Bible story of YOUR life look like? Would the book be full of detail as you followed Christ and carried out His plans, or would it be a short account in which Jesus asked you to do something, and you told Him you were too busy and let YOUR plans get in the way?

In considering this, Craig and my ‘Mission Statement’ for our marriage had to be re-examined. And so, even though he was off work all last week, and I usually enjoy the luxury of not having to be at work until 11AM, we followed God’s call and rose early each morning to lead the music together for our church’s summer program for middle and high school students – who were less than thrilled to be at church at 8AM when on summer vacation. This week, even though I am working a 9-5 schedule with the sweet children I nanny, I am rushing off to help lead the music for VBS each evening after work from 6-8:30PM.

We certainly aren’t asking for medals or accolades here. Not in the least. BUT the whole idea of considering what your story in the Bible would resemble certainly made us realize that following God’s Will and putting Him first in our life was absolutely the MOST important thing. Even though 12-13 hour days are NOT fun, and getting up early on your day off is NOT typically anyone’s cup of tea, living life for Christ is our mission, and as we have learned, His ways are not always OUR ways.

I thank God He brought me my soulmate, who stands right by my side as we endeavor to lead our lives for Him. The Lord doesn’t always guide us down the newly paved road, but more often than not, the bumpy, gravelly, dirt path most people try to avoid.

We pray He will continue to guide us, and we ask for your prayers for our journey, as well. We would love to pray for you, too, and many of you we already do! If you have a special request you would like us to pray for you or with you, please e-mail Craig and I at

Well, it’s now time for bed, as there is another full day of nannying and VBS and puppies…Yes, we have multiple doggies in the Lefebvre household now! Don’t worry, our next post will include more on recent events and if we are diligent, even some pictures!

Take Care and God Bless,

Pier & Craig