My Choice Monday

Jonah Day 2015: A Day of Thanks

If you’ve been visiting our blog for long, you know November 29th is Jonah Day. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, see this post to catch up. 🙂

Every year on November 29th, Craig and I count our many blessings and thank God for our precious baby, Jonah, who will be joining us one day! This year, not having been able to spend Thanksgiving together, we whipped up quite the feast to celebrate Jonah!

Today, since I’m sure we are all still in a turkey/leftovers coma, I’m going to spare you a full-on blog post and just share some pictures of the food we prepared. If you want any of the recipes, click on the photo to be re-directed to a close facsimile. 🙂

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I started off our morning with completely from scratch Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls. Here they are ‘resting’ and ‘rising’ before they went into the oven.
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Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls – The finished product!


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Hot Mulled Cider
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Our ‘Appetizer’: Caramel Havarti with Candied Pecans & Granny Smith Apples
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Lucy never leaves my side… 🙂 #loveher
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Cranberry Sauce
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Zesting a Meyer Lemon into the cranberries while they were bubbling away. The recipe this links to calls for orange juice, but I find the zest of a Meyer Lemon does the trick without adding anymore sweetness.
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Skillet Cornbread
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Skillet Cornbread as the butter is melting in…Yummmmmm!
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Chop Chop Chop!
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Talking with my hands…about the corn casserole I’m preparing!
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Corn Casserole
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Corn Casserole
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Very interested in the cooking that’s going on…
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The Bird
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Craig was in charge on the turkey – So of course we had to grill it!
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Sweet Potato Souffle just before it went into the oven…
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Adding a few more marshmallows for the final 5 minutes on the Sweet Potatoes… You’ll note the recipe doesn’t call for ANY, but I HAVE to have marshmallows with my sweet potatoes! 🙂
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Sweet Potatoes (pre-oven again)
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Oh the marshmallows…
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Delicious Turnip Gratin… SO decadent!
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Turnip Gratin
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Oyster Dressing – a throwback to our year in New England
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So. Good.
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Pardon my messy hair. At least I don’t have roots! 🙂
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Those sweet pups…Don’t let their innocent angel smiles fool you. Lucy totally stole some turkey while Craig and I were eating!
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Broccoli & Cauliflower Casserole
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Broccoli & Cauliflower Casserole – I added more cheese than the recipe called for…And I highly recommend it! 😉
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Almost Done!!!
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So delicious! I wish I could share the recipe for this but to be honest, I have no idea. It was all Craig and the grill. I will say: it was the BEST turkey I have ever eaten!! Super moist and flavorful!!!
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Pecan Pie!!! (Made even more delicious with some French Vanilla Whipped Cream!) I used the recipe for the Perfect Pie Crust and then the recipe for the Pecan Pie at the link.
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Seriously one of my favorite desserts…No walnuts…Just add Vanilla Ice Cream please!

And there you have it! I’d have to say Jonah Day was pretty successful as far as both thankfulness and cooking were concerned! We ate at 3pm yesterday and neither one of us TOUCHED a morsel of food again until breakfast. 😉

Until we meet again,

signature heart

Food For Thought Friday

What’s For Dinner?


Friends, it has been a long week alone! And tonight, although Craig was scheduled to return home, it looks like the airlines had other planes (Ha! A true Freudian slip!) plans for him. Alas, I have an exciting night of cooking ahead of me anyway, and if I can’t be with my husband tonight, I am actually a little thrilled to be getting back into meal planning and preparing meals ahead of time!;-)

So today, I thought I would share with you the recipes I am making tonight for next week, and a freebie: A Meal Plan Printable & Grocery List!






Obviously, I’m a big fan of Danielle at Let’s Dish! For this coming week, every meal came from her food blog, so if you see anything that looks yummy to you – and how could it not?!?! – check it out for yourself!

Now, perhaps you’re wondering how I eat any of this if you know anything about my dietary restrictions, and the truth is, that I won’t be eating the pizza or sandwiches, but the quinoa cakes, salmon and chicken should be DELICIOUS with a few minor modifications. 🙂

What are your thoughts on meal planning and cooking in advance for the week ahead? If you’d like to try it (and experience the lessening of pressure from not having to THINK about what’s for dinner or the last minute rush to the grocery store), check out my free printable:

Meal Plan TemplateLet me know what you think, and how this system works for you! And by the way, what’s your favorite recipe? You never know, we may add it to our next meal plan!

Have a great weekend!

signature heart

My Choice Monday



See? I told you we would return! My my my, this move to Maine has been DRAINING!!! Wonderful – but DRAINING!! As a matter of fact, I’m still in need of volunteers to help organize and unpack…Any takers?

More about our lives as Maine-iacs on Wednesday, but today, let’s get down to the nitty gritty – The CORE of today’s blog, so to speak…Today, it’s all about JUICING! (Anyone catch the food/texture humor?? 🙂 ) Catch the video below for our take on juicing, and why we love it so much:

Grandma & Mama Dee – If you’re watching, just click the title of the blog in your e-mail (at the top, where it says “Juicy!”), and you’ll be re-directed to the video! If you have any questions, call me and I’ll walk you through it! 🙂

Here’s the ingredient list for my juice, in case you missed it:

Pier’s Groovy Green Juice

  • 2 small yellow apples
  • 1 bunch fresh kale
  • Several ‘stalks’ of broccoleaf
  • About 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • 5 small radishes
  • Fresh mint, to taste
  • 1 scoop chia seed
  • 1 green bell pepper

Seriously. This may sound off-putting, but this juice is EASY to drink and delicious!! The amount above easily makes 2 juice servings – one for now and one to replace your next meal!

If you’re interested in our juicer, here is the one we purchased:

The Mega OH Mega

And… here are some great juicing recipes to get you started:

ReBoot With Joe

Until tomorrow, folks!

signature heart

My Choice Monday

Healthy & Simple…& Delicious

MondayI missed y’all on Friday!!! But work was crazy and the day just ran out on me…So I promise today’s post is going to make up for it, because you are going to come away with a brand new, super healthy, and utterly delicious recipe to make this week!

As we mentioned last week, we have been meal-planning and trust me, it is the easiest way to simplify your life and lighten your budget! You do not have to be organized or decisive to make this work for you and in the midst of it all, you will end up discovering some WONDERFUL recipes that are both healthy and extra simple to make.

Each week, scour Pinterest and Facebook and  Ziplist and your old cookbooks, collecting dust on the shelf, and find 3-4 recipes that sound like good, healthy meals that aren’t a 40-step process to make. It’s super easy to do. Instead of pinning all those recipes, print them out and make a grocery list for the week using those recipes as your guidelines.

Remember, you can create lighter lunches or “Leftover Buffet Night” from your dinners!

You really can’t even imagine how much this will simplify your life. No more, “Ugh! What can we make for dinner? There’s nothing in the refrigerator!”

It’s all planned out. With awesome dishes like this one:

Grilled Avocado & Mango Chicken


  • Package of chicken breasts (3-4)
  • Annie’s Naturals Roasted Red Pepper Dressing
  • (2) Mangos
  • (1) Avocado
  • (1) Jar Roasted Red Peppers
  • (1) Package of Baby Spinach Leaves


Marinate your chicken breasts in a ziplock bag filled with 1/2 bottle of Red Pepper Dressing. (I did this in the morning, prior to cooking the chicken that night, but marinate to your specifications.) Skin the mangos and the avocado, and then dice these and place aside in a bowl. Dice a red pepper (amount is to your specifications) and add to the bowl, set aside. Grill marinated chicken breasts – about 7 minutes/side. If you are grill-iterate, like me, you can use a cast-iron grill pan inside, with the same results. After the meat is completely cooked, add a little bit more of the Red Pepper Dressing to each side of the chicken, and then flip to sear in the flavor. Place the baby spinach on your plate, add the chicken breast on top and cover with the diced mango/avocado/red pepper mix. VOILA!

You can eat this for lunch the next day by turning it into a grilled chicken salad, or make extra for leftovers! So easy and so delicious!!

Well, my dears, it seems Caroline has escaped from our fence, so I need to run home and retrieve her…Goodness gracious, what a mess that little girl is! 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!! We will chat again tomorrow! 🙂



A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Hello – Hello!

See? I promised I would be back bearing photographs, and here I am! It’s quite handy to have your camera to upload pictures, using a functioning laptop. Sort of a necessity, actually. Ask my dear husband and you’ll find out I haven’t had the latter for QUITE some time – until recently. I now have TWO – a work laptop, and my personal laptop – fixed by said dear husband. 😉

Anyway, you can see our most recent pictures here. I will continue to update them with additions from our phones and Craig’s more fancy camera, and as we have more to add for Christmas 2013. Here are a few samples:

A Night On The Town This Summer
A Night On The Town This Summer
The Lefebvre Family at Cara's Wedding (minus Mandy & Mike - who we MISSED!)
The Lefebvre Family at Cara’s Wedding (minus Mandy & Mike – who we MISSED!)
Our First Anniversary Dinner - Elijah's In Wilmington
Our First Anniversary Dinner – Elijah’s In Wilmington
Craig & I at Fort Fisher, NC
Craig & I at Fort Fisher, NC

For the rest, keep checking back here. 🙂

In other news, get ready for a lot more blogging and a new format! Here’s the idea:

My Choice Mondays – Craig & I will share products we love, places or venues         we have enjoyed, recipes we have made, etc.

TTC Tuesdays – We will discuss the latest in our TTC (Trying To Conceive)                 Journey – happenings, thoughts, feelings, plans, PCOS, etc.

What’s Up Wednesdays – A weekly re-cap of ‘What’s Up?” with The Newlywed Lefebvres.

Thirsty Thursdays – Not your typical THIRSTY! Thursdays will be “Thirsty (for            Christ) Thursdays! Devotions, thoughts on God, Bible                                          study, favorite verses, etc.

Food For Thought Friday – News, thoughts, pop culture, anything and                 everything!

So what do you think? Excited for next week already? 🙂 Personally, I’m looking forward to THE WEEKEND and TONIGHT!!!!!!! That sweet husband I keep talking about? He’s finally coming home!

Happy Friday All! We hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!


Pier & Craig